Those Shirts specializes in shirts that appeal to conservatives. The company loves to advertise on the ConWeb; ads for them have recently been spotted at NewsMax, WorldNetDaily and NewsBusters. (At least one NewsBusters poster endorses the sentiment.)
One of the shirts Those Shirts sells reads: “Rope. Tree. Journalist. Some Assembly Required.” Regardless of the background of this shirt — created by the conservative blog Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, whose writers love the idea so much they want to apply it to the Supreme Court and certain politicians as well — it’s an unambiguous incitement to violence. This has been discussed previously in the liberal blogosphere as the eliminationist discourse that it is, but the shirt is still for sale. Any alleged humor behind it is not detectable.
So we wonder: Do NewsMax, WND, and NewsBusters — some employees of which consider themselves to be journalists — aware of the message that Those Shirts is trying to profit from? Do they endorse it, even though it applies to them as well? (After all, the shirt excludes no journalists from its fatwa.) And are they offended enough to pull Those Shirts’ ads until the shirt is withdrawn from sale?
UPDATE: We’ve previously noted that WND’s Joseph Farah objects to “disgusting” advertising on his website. Does he think that a death threat against journalists is “disgusting,” or not?