Scott Lively began his Dec. 30 WorldNetDaily column explaining why he’s unqualified to criticize Catholics though he thinks he’s doing the opposite: Let me start with a disclaimer. While I happen to…
Tag: Scott Lively
WND’s Lively Still Shilling For Putin, Praises Russia’s Hatred Of LGBT People
WorldNetDaily columnist Scott Lively has long been a puppet for Vladimir Putin, most recently trying to justify Russia’s brutal, unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. That continued in his Dec. 9 column, which began…
NEW ARTICLE: The Gays, Nazis and Gay Nazis Inside Scott Lively’s Brain
The WorldNetDaily columnist is trying to portray all Nazis as gay — and all gay people as Nazis. And in a sign of lingering Obama derangement, he likened Michelle Obama to Eva…
WND’s Lively Hopes Trump Puts LGBT People ‘Back In The Closet’
Scott Lively is a proud homophobe (though he claims to hate the word), and he’s hoping the incoming Trump administration will use force of government to hate and punish them as much…
WND’s Lively Takes Another Stab At Spreading Bogus Claims About Gay Nazis
When Scott Lively wasn’t spewing insults at Kamala Harris, he was spending 2024 insisting that Nazis were gay (despite the documented fact that Nazis persecuted gay people). Lively used his Oct. 7…
NEW ARTICLE: Very Lively Conspiracy Theories
WorldNetDaily columnist Scott Lively loves his conspiracy theorizing, with dashes of racism and Obama derangement, plus a rant at a professor who debunked a David Barton book. Read more >>
WND’s Lively Cheers Trump Win, Embraces Putin, Seeks Media Clampdown
In the runup to the presidential election, WorldNetDaily columnist Scott Lively praised Donald Trump as the ruling “patriarch” America purportedly needs while viciously smeaering Kamala Harris as the “Whore of Babylon.” In…
WND’s Lively Still Obsessing Over Gay Nazis
Scott Lively spent a good chunk of this year smearing gay people as Nazis while also claiming Nazis were gay. He served up another installment of that in his Oct. 21 WorldNetDaily…
WND’s Lively Smears Harris As ‘Whore Of Babylon,’ Demands That America ‘Return To Patriarchy’
Scott Lively is unsurprisingly happy at the prospect of Donald Trump fulfilling biblical prophecy in the Middle East. In his Sept. 30 column, he cheered the idea of Trump facilitating the construction…
WND’s Lively Obsessed With Smearing LGBT People As Nazis
Scott Lively has had Nazis on the brain lately — and he gets even more fevered when he can find an excuse to portray all gay people as Nazis. That fixation continued in his Aug….