WorldNetDaily has already dismissed the alleged shooter of George Tiller as mentally ill and the alleged shooter of a guard at the Holocaust Museum as a liberal. How will it address the issue of someone praying for the death of President Obama?
Former Southern Baptist Convention official Wiley Drake told radio host Alan Colmes last week that he’s using “imprecatory prayer” to pray for the death of the “usurper that is in the White House,” Barack Obama.
WND loves Wiley Drake — he’s one of the people involved in the Obama birth certificate conspiracy as a plaintiff with Alan Keyes in one lawsuit on the issue. He has also endorsed preacher David Wilkerson’s prediction of an “earth-shattering calamity” — “riots and blazing fires” in New York City and across the East Coast — in the near future. WND has also endorsed Drake’s call of “imprecatory prayer” in begging God to rain on Obama’s acceptance speech at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. (It didn’t work.)
But curiously, WND has not reported Drake’s death threat on Obama. Why?
As we’ve noted, WND has a habit of refusing to tell its readers facts that confict with its right-wing agenda. It’s not good for right-wingers to be so overt about their hatred as Drake, so WND will send this down the memory hole, just as it did any evidence that Tiller’s alleged killer, Scott Roeder, had closer ties to Operation Rescue that WND wants to admit, or any of Randall Terry’s less-than-conciliatory statements on Tiller’s death.
Because Drake went beyond WND’s agenda, it seems WND will pretend he never said it at all.