It’s completely unsurprising that Cliff Kincaid would lionize Ryan Sorba, the activist known for his anti-gay rant at CPAC, and he does just that in his Feb. 22 Accuracy in Media column. After all, he agrees with Sorba that gays shouldn’t be permitted in CPAC because, well, they’re gay.
Kincaid defends Sorba’s rant by claiming he was “provoked by a speaker who preceded him,” who “went out of his way to use valuable time from the podium to thank the American Conservative Union, the main CPAC organizer, for making the controversial decision to approve GOProud’s participation.”
Kincaid goes on to laud Sorba as “the author of the book, The Born Gay Hoax” — even though all that apparently exists of this work at this point is an unfinished, unpublished manuscript posted at that other noted nest of anti-gay rants, MassResistance.
This being Kincaid, his pathological anti-gay sentiment takes over his piece, signaled by his lament that “the ‘banning’ of homosexuality is not realistically possible at this stage in the United States because the Supreme Court has effectively legalized it.” Kincaid goes on to:
- Oppose repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell because, he asks, “how will open homosexuals in the U.S. military be greeted on Muslim lands where homosexuality is still illegal?”
- Bash GOProud’s criticism of the anti-gay Uganda law, writing, “Under these “gay conservatives,” one can imagine gay soldiers being deployed to overthrow ‘homophobic’ regimes.”
- Baselessly insist yet again that the purpose of the anti-gay Uganda law is “trying to prevent the spread of AIDS and protect traditional moral values by toughening laws against homosexuality,” failing yet again to acknowledge the simple facts that 1) the Uganda law, as it currently stands, would allow punishing mere homosexual activity with the death penalty, and 2) HIV transmission in Uganda is historically been mostly through heterosexual contact.
- Try to put a patriotic spin on gay-bashing, claiming that “the founding fathers regarded homosexual sodomy as a crime against nature and believed it should be outlawed and punished severely.”
- Drop yet another reference to “Rachel Maddow, the lesbian host of an MSNBC-TV show.”
Is AIM president Don Irvine pleased with Kincaid’s hijacking of his group into a virulently anti-gay group?
UPDATE: Kincaid’s column is promoted onthe AIM front page with this picture:
Is this what Kincaid thinks gays serving openly in the military will lead to?