Mychal Massie writes in his June 14 WorldNetDaily column:
In his column, “2nd ‘black president’ likely to build on legacy of first,” Jack Cashill wrote, “Indeed, in his audio book, ‘More Than Sex: The Secrets of Bill and Hillary Clinton,’ Arkansas state trooper Larry Patterson contends that Clinton referred to Jesse Jackson, among others, as a ‘nigger’ as late as 1992 and routinely tolerated racial slurs by others. Patterson is not alone in making this charge.”
Of course, as Cashill’s title infers, Clinton went on to become known, amongst other things, as America’s first black president. But their hateful comments and tolerances pale in comparison to the rabid Marxist mindset of Michelle Obama and her intentionally polarizing speeches.
In fact, Patterson has no credibility as a Clinton accuser.
As we’ve detailed, Gene Lyons and Joe Conason point out in their book “The Hunting of the President” that Patterson “was said to harbor a grudge” against Clinton “for going to Washington without setting [him and a fellow state trooper] up in federal jobs” and because he didn’t push a bill funding a state police lobbying group Patterson had helped to found through mandatory dues from state troopers’ paychecks. Lyons and Conason also quote Patterson’s former supervisor as saying Patterson’s “mentality and objective in life was to sleep with as many women as he could. You could not have a conversation with Larry Patterson more than five minutes that sex didn’t enter into it and whose britches he was trying to get in. … If Bill Clinton had a meeting with a woman behind closed doors, Larry assumed it was for the purpose of sex, because that’s what it would have been if he had been there.”
Further, as we’ve also noted, Patterson and the other anti-Clinton Arkansas troopers backed away from their lurid claims when placed under oath.
It’s rather sad that Massie feels he has to stoop to rehashing ancient claims from a discredited, disgruntled accuser in order to fuel his hatred of Michelle Obama. (It doesn’t exactly enhance Cashill’s credibility, either.)
Meanwhile, Massie’s hatred of the Obama’s has festered on Twitter:

And here too:

The Obamas should be dragged through the streets? They are worse than polio? Really, Mr. Massie?
Massie has a growing history of hateful writings that are getting ever closer to earning him a visit from the good folks at the Secret Service.