WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush recently announced that he was named “Vice President of Administration and Strategic Alliances” for Pink Pagoda Girls USA, a group that claims to be “involved in rescuing baby girls in the People’s Republic of China from infanticide as a result of that nation’s ‘one child per family’ policy.” (As it just so happens, WND recently published a book on the subject by Pink Pagoda founder Jim Garrow.)
But is an extremist conspiracist like Rush really a good fit for such a prominent position?
We’ve detailed how Rush is a virulent, vicious Obama-hater, even likening the president to a prison rapist. Rush is also a birther, promoting the fringe-of-the-fringe conspiracy theory that Obama’s real father is Malcolm X.
We wonder if Garrow sufficiently vetted Rush before hiring him. It’s hard to imagine someone like Rush — who has such rage against a sitting president and who embraces such fringe conspiracies — rising to the leadership of any organization that strives to be something other than fringe.
We’re not questioning the cause of Pink Pagoda Girls, only its wisdom in hiring Rush. As the group’s founder and only other apparent employee, perhaps Garrow can explain why he made this questionable hire.