Erik Rush uses his June 27 WorldNetDaily column to go swimming in the same Obama-sleaze cesspool that Jerome Corsi wallows in:
On the bizarre side, there have been reports claiming Obama held membership in a gay men’s club in Chicago in years past. On the heels of this was the mother of slain Trinity United Church of Christ’s choir director Donald Young claiming that her gay son was killed (execution style in 2007) to protect Obama politically by erasing the trail of his alleged homosexual dalliances.
Rush doesn’t tell us where these “reports” came from — perhaps because if he did, he would have no credibility. Nevertheless, Rush continues to mainline the Obama-hate:
Several of my colleagues, as well as I and some credentialed experts, have postulated previously that psychological imbalance and perhaps even chemical dependency on Obama’s part may be among the many things being cloaked by the administration. Indeed, there is no manner by which that could be proven at this juncture, but it is possible that only those closest to the president would be privy to such things. Psychotics and junkies often have a singular talent for hiding their afflictions, even from family members.
Tell us again how someone who peddles such hateful fringe theories — which also include his belief that Malcolm X is Obama’s real father — got to be the “Vice President of Administration and Strategic Alliances” for Pink Pagoda Girls USA? Doesn’t Pink Pagoda Girls founder Jim Garrow worry about how the credibility of his organization is harmed with Rush in such a prominent position?