Let’s pick apart the lies in Joseph Farah’s July 27 WorldNetDaily column:
During his 2008 campaign for the presidency, Barack Obama took off an American flag pin he had been wearing on his lapel.
The act was a metaphor for his utter contempt for everything American. But too many Americans didn’t get the message and voted him into office anyway.As we get down to the final months of the 2012 election campaign, I think it’s a good time to revisit that telling episode of political history.
You can watch a quick local news account of it on YouTube.
Notice Obama took off the pin in a bid to “change political fashion” and because he didn’t like the way it was used to represent patriotism in America.
But the American flag is not a fashion statement.
It is a representation of a unique experiment in liberty and self-government in the history of the world. And I suggest to you that’s the real reason Obama was uncomfortable wearing it. Remember, he admitted his goal was to “fundamentally change America.” Unfortunately, that’s one promise he has kept.
You will notice that Obama has not worn that flag pin since that day he made a show of removing it.
First: Obama did not “make a show” of removing it during the 2008 campaign — a reporter noticed he wasn’t wearing one and asked him about it.
Second: Obama never said he was trying to “change political fashion” — that line came from an anchor in the TV news report Farah links to back up his claim.
Third: Farah is simply lying when he claims that “Obama has not worn that flag pin since that day.” How do we know? Look at the picture of Obama in the “Death Blow” cover of WorldNetWeekly currently residing at the right-hand corner of WND’s website. What is it that Obama has on his lapel?

Why, it’s a flag pin.Unless Farah can prove that this photo was taken before the above-referenced incident, this means Farah’s own website has proven him a liar.
Also, check out this image, taken just three days ago at the signing of a bill authorizing $70 million to Israel:

It’s a little too small to tell for sure, but we’re willing to wager that the thing on Obama’s lapel is a flag pin.
So why is Farah engaged in peddling these easily discredited lies? Becuase he wants you to send him some money:
One great way to remind ourselves and others how important it is to ensure Obama doesn’t get another four years in office is to start wearing the same symbol he disdained in 2008 – and ever since.
That’s why I have ordered thousands of American flag lapel pins – just like the one Obama discarded – and am making them available to real Americans across the land to wear proudly leading up to Election Day in November.
Unlike Obama, I think it is an excellent, inexpensive and powerful way to demonstrate one’s patriotism. In the hopes of popularizing this campaign, the WND Superstore is making available at low cost and high volume these pins – made in America, by the way.
It’s a small act of defiance. It’s a small gesture. It’s a way to remind yourself all those with whom you come into contact in the coming months that Obama must go.
We must not get fooled again.
Obama may be embarrassed to wear it. He may think it is contrived. He may think it is inappropriate. He may think it is petty and silly. He may think the American flag is not worth saluting. He may not see it as a unifying symbol for all Americans.But if you do, here’s your chance to start a little movement – to make a little statement.
Let Obama and the rest of America know you still think the U.S. flag is a very good symbol of patriotism.
I did my best to find quality die-struck jewelry pieces at very competitive prices so we could take advantage of this unique moment in American history and recapture the spirit of patriotism Obama wars with.
Wear it proudly and make a statement for America this election year.
Buy them in quantities to disseminate to your friends and family members.
How shameless. How craven. But that’s what Joseph Farah is.