The increasingly error-prone Noel Sheppard has done it again.
Sheppard writes in a Sept. 17 NewsBusters post:
When Warren Buffett proposed higher taxes on millionaires in 2011, the media gushed and fawned giving him and his views airtime as if Elvis Presley returned from the dead.
Will they be as fascinating by the Oracle of Omaha stating that ObamaCare should be scrapped?
Sheppard cited an obscure website called Money Morning that “recently” interviewed Buffett, then added:
It seems a metaphysical certitude that if Buffett in this MM interview said ObamaCare will save people a great deal of money and should be implemented exactly as is, the media would be all over it. But the Oracle of Omaha saying it should be scrapped?
Seems highly-unlikely this will get much attention outside of the conservative media.
Stay tuned.
Well, we did stay tuned, and a conservative website did take note of Buffett’s statement — but not in the way Sheppard would like.
The Washington Examiner — recently demoted from a daily newspaper to a right-wing opinion site — found that Buffett’s remarks date from 2010, before the Affordable Care Act was approved, not anytime “recently.” And a Buffett spokesperson has denied that Buffett made the statements as quoted in Morning Money.
That means yet another correction for Sheppard was in order. The top of his post now reads:
Executive editor’s note: Due to an error made by a secondary source, the piece below incorrectly claimed that Warren Buffett had called for the repeal of Obamacare in 2013. The interview which was cited actually took place in 2010. We regret the error.
How much of Sheppard’s reckless blogging will NewsBusters continue to tolerate?