WorldNetDaily was so desperate to destroy President Obama in 2012 that it embraced Joel Gilbert, a filmmaker untethered by reality who had just released a smear job baselessly speculating that Obama’s real father and claiming that Obama’s mother had posed nude for a photographer. Despite the fact that the latter claim was utterly discredited, WND’s Jerome Corsi promoted a Gilbert assertion that Obama’s wedding ring bore an Islamic inscription, a claim so fraudulent on its face that Corsi’s fellow birthers were compelled to debunk it.
And in true WND style, Corsi never told WND’s readers that Gilbert’s Obama fantasies been been repeatedly discredited.
Gilbert has now rewarded Corsi for his omerta — Corsi has a part in Gilbert’s new film. An unbylined May 13 WND article touts Gilbert’s new project:
Filmmaker Joel Gilbert, who produced the 2012 documentary “Dreams from My Real Father,” presenting the case that Communist Party activist Frank Marshall Davis was the biological father of Barack Obama, has produced a new film, “There’s No Place Like Utopia,” scheduled for theatrical release this summer.
“The film is similar in style to the highly successful Michael Moore films,” Gilbert told WND.
“The narrative follows me as I journey across America and take audiences on a humorous and horrifying exploration of progressivism, amnesty for illegals, race relations, Islam in America, political correctness and Barack Obama himself, who promises to ‘remake the world not as it is, but as it should be,’” Gilbert said.
In the film, Gilbert depicts Barack Obama as the wizard in the classic “The Wizard of Oz.”
[…]Featured in the film are commentaries from WND staff reporter and author Jerome R. Corsi, WND columnist and author Jack Cashill, as well as conservative author David Horowitz and former KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky.
Again, WND refuses to tell its readers that Gilbert is a charlatan on a scale of the Wizard of Oz, peddling lies designed to deceive gullible right-wingers.
And why would WND do such a thing? They’re in business together — the article includes links to the WND store to buy his discredited Obama smear job. WND will never tell the truth about Gilbert until his films have been cleared out of the WND store, and probably not even then.
Just consider it yet another reason nobody believes WND.