WorldNetDaily’s Aaron Klein isn’t the only right-winger who can’t accept the results of the Republican-led House committee’s debunking of right-wing Benghazi conspiracy theories.
Accuracy in Media — home of the little kangaroo court of Obama-haters and birthers that calls itself the “Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi” — can’t accept it either. So AIM has trotted out commission member Clare Lopez to rant that the House report is “a whitewash of the CIA” designed to “exonerate the Intelligence Community (IC), and, by extension, the Obama administration, of responsibility for intelligence failures prior, during, and after the terrorist attack that took the lives of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Glenn Doherty and Tyrone Woods.”
But Lopez has shown herself — like much of the rest of AIM’s commission — to be a rabid Obama-hater with an agenda who cannot be trusted to fairly and objectively investigate Benghazi.
In an August WND interview, Lopez made her hatred of Obama very clear, asserting that President Obama is just like Osama bin Laden because they share the same goal of removing U.S. troops from the Middle East and putting jihadis in power.
Lopez also told WND that Obama had bin Laden killed only because he “thought it might look good,” and that Obama switched sides in the war on terror by endeavoring “to bring down the secular Muslim rulers who did not enforce Islamic law.”
Does this sound like someone capable of being objective on anything involving Obama? Didn’t think so.
Nevertheless, AIM’s Roger Aronoff is touting Lopez’s “debunking” of the House report in a Dec. 2 article, complaining that the conspiracy theories the report debunked — and to which AIM still clings — were described as conspiracy theories.