A few months back, we reported on WorldNetDaily’s then-upcoming book by Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman and Cheryl Sullenger, which claims to be a “practical manual” that teaches people “what you can do to help close your local abortion clinic and make America abortion free.”
A little over two months after its release, the book appears to be a flop. At this writing, Amazon.com ranks the book at No. 360,486 in sales — an abysmal showing for a book out for less than three months.
Perhaps people didn’t want to read a book by authors with anti-abortion violence in their pasts. In 1988, Sullenger was sentenced to three years in prison for conspiring to bomb a California abortion clinic, and Scott Roeder — who murdered Kansas abortion doctor George Tiller in 2009 — had contacted Sullenger and Operation Rescue several times seeking information about court hearings involving Tiller, and Sullenger’s phone number was found on a note inside Roeder’s car when he was arrested. Roeder has also claimed he ate lunch with Newman and Sullenger several years before he murdered Tiller.
Further, Ms. Magazine reported Roederʼs claim that Newman said it “wouldnʼt upset” him if Tiller were murdered, as well as Roeder’s claim that he was an active and regular participant in Operation Rescue events with “donation receipts, event T-shirts and a signed copy of Newman’s 2001 book, Their Blood Cries Out, to prove it.”
While Newman has denounced violence and Sullenger claims regret for her role in the bombing plot and insists that she “has openly denounced violence as a means to stop abortion,” the fact remains their organization is linked to the Tiller murder and Sullenger remains a convicted felon.
In their book, Newman ahd Sullenger throw Roeder under the bus, calling him “creepy” and a “quiet loner” and claiming that Sullenger “was uncomfortable with him for reasons she couldn’t quite pinpoint” and promotes Operation Rescue’s statement on Tiller’s death as “carefully worded and tasteful.” They failed to explain the full extent of their contacts with Roeder. Newman also complains that “the abortion crowd never lets [Sullenger] forget this admitted mistake she made decades ago.”
Perhaps such dishonesty about their actions and their links to Roeder’s murder of Tiller are the main reason why Newman and Sullenger’s book has tanked.
P.S. WND actually hired a lawyer (surprisingly, not Larry Klayman) to send us a cease-and-desist order for reporting accurately on Sullenger and Operation Rescue. We declined WND’s request on numerous grounds, among them that it was objecting to alleged behavior WND itself regularly engages in on its own website. We have heard nothing from WND’s lawyer since.