The Media Research Center’s creeping WND-ism continues in an eminently logical direction: is giving space to a birther.
A June 11 CNS column features Herbert W. Titus and his law partner, William J. Olson, ranting against same-sex marriage and declaring that the Supreme Court has no right to sit in judgment of the constitutionality of same-sex marriage because Sir William Blackstone said so, or something. CNS’ bio for Titus highlights how he “taught Constitutional Law for 26 years, and concluded his academic career as the Founding Dean of Regent Law School.”
What CNS doesn’t tell you about Herb Titus: He’s a birther, and the birthers at WND love him.
In a 2009 WND article, Titus proclaimed that “Obama cannot be a natural-born citizen, even if he’s born in Hawaii,” because he did not have two parents who were American citizens and that his “loyalties” lie with his Kenyan-born father. In a 2012 WND article, Titus asserted that natural born citizenship is “God-given” and that the concept “is written into the very nature of the universe of nation-states” and “exists independent of any human power, legislative or otherwise. That is why ‘natural born citizenship’ is not defined in the Constitution.”
Never mind that the Constitution makes any mention whatsoever about “loyalties,” or that courts over the past century or so have routinely defined the term as applying to anyone born in the U.S. regardless of the parents’ citizenship.
By contrast, Titus has been much less vocal about the eligibility status of Ted Cruz, whose political views align much closer to him than Obama’s and who is also not eligible to be president under his extremely narrow definition of the term.
Religion Dispatches points out that Titus is an admirer of the late R.J. Rushdoony, the father of the far-right principle of Christian Reconstructionism — a principle also followed by WND editor Joseph Farah.
This is the guy who CNS has deemed acceptable to write an opinon column for it.