In her Aug. 12 article noting former White House economic adviser Austan Goolsbee’s statement that Donald Trump is too “thin-skinned” to be president, Susan Jones makes sure to include this sneering editorial comment:
President Obama has been described as thin-skinned by people, including former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who have opposed his my-way-or-the-highway approach to governing.
As we noted the last time Jones claimed Obama was not interested in compromise, his record is exactly the opposite — the PolitiFact website has a full seven pages of examples of Obama compromising to achieve his policy goals. And Jones omits the fact that Republicans have refused to compromise with Obama.
The sole evidence Jones offers of Obama being “thin-skinned” is of the Arizona governor, a Republican, saying that on Fox News, so she’s hardly an objective source. Jones does serve up other purported examples, but they are responses to criticism, not necessarily actual “thin-skinned” behavior.
By contrast, Jones seems a little thin-skinned herself in an Aug. 12 CNS blog post in which she seemed to be weirdly offended by a pharmacy chain in Sweden — whose policies have no effect on her whatsoever as an American — planning to offer adhesive bandages for darker skin. Jones does note that “Adhesive bandages come in many colors and patterns in the United States; those designed for darker skin tones are also available online,” though she didn’t explicitly say whether that offended her as well.
Apparently, thin-skinnedness is bad only if you’re a Democrat.