Jerry Newcombe begins his Oct. 6 WorldNetDaily column with a lie: “Are pro-lifers violent? No.”
Not true. Not even close to being true. Here’s one incomplete list, for example.
But Newcombe is serving as an apologist for Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman and his recent misadventure in Australia:
Troy and his wife flew out to Australia because he was invited to speak at a pro-life conference. But lies on the Internet bubbled up, and Troy ended up in a holding cell in Melbourne for three days.
The heart of the controversy is simple: Has he or Operation Rescue engaged in or ever advocated for violence? The answer is an unequivocal “No.” But there are false reports swirling around on the Internet to that effect.
No, it’s not, Jerry. The accusation was never whether Operation Rescue “engaged in” anti-abortion violence; it’s whether Newman tacitly endorsed such violence through his heated rhetoric. And the answer to that, as we detailed when Operation Rescue itself tried to deny the truth, is an unequivocal yes.
But Newcombe continued to deny reality and regurgitated Operation Rescue’s PR:
This was unjust because of Newman’s track record of non-violence. Not only does his group eschew any form of violence, but these pro-life activists want to see those who are caught up in the abortion business saved.
[…]Their website states: “Operation Rescue explicitly denounces violence in any form as a means of ending abortion.”
What the Operation Rescue website states is irrelevant compared to what’s stated in the book Newman and Cheryl Sullenger wrote — which Operation Rescue sells on its website — which endorses the idea that abortion providers must be executed “to expunge bloodguilt from the land and people.” You know, because the Bible says so.
Newcombe then takes his ludicrous denial of anti-abortion violence to an even more ludicrous extent, claiming that only six people have ever engaged in it. No, really:
It is not a pro-life act to kill an abortionist. Of those six or so people who have committed violent attacks on abortion clinics or personnel, I know of two professing Christians. One of them repented of his wrongdoing in jail; the other has already received the death penalty.
Every Christian leader denounced that violence. Those few who have committed such violence are a very tiny minority on the fringes. One violent attack is one too many. No one is advocating violence, least of all Newman and Operation Rescue.
Newcombe failed to mention that Tiller’s killer — yes, Tiller was killed, Mr. Newcombe, not just “shot” — had connections to Operation Rescue; its phone number was found on a note inside Roeder’s car when he was arrested, and he had a lunch with Newman in which Newman . Or that Newman’s lieutenant, Cheryl Sullenger, used to advocate violence so much she served time in prison for plotting to blow up an abortion clinic.
And whether or not any of these perpetrators “repented” their crime is irrelevant (which Sullenger also claims she has); abortion doctors aren’t any less dead, or their clinic properties any less vandalized, or their employees any less threatened, because of it.
And we haven’t even got to the regular stalking and harrassment abortion providers and their employees suffer. But Newcombe is probably OK with that, because nobody’s getting murdered.