Slowly, the truth is being unearthed for the world to see, and this is that Barack Hussein Obama and his Cabinet, past and present, are war criminals of a particularly malevolent order.
In the interest of restoring the republic however, it is imperative that Obama and his sordid pantheon of demons are not allowed to cheerfully pass the torch to the next equally corrupt administration in January 2017. They all must be brought to justice, and in a very public way, whatever the cost.
— Erik Rush, Oct. 21 WorldNetDaily column
Chaos is on the rise in our cities. And I blame Barack Obama for stoking it. He has opened the gates of hell on America.
There are reasons to destabilize cities. Far left politicians like Obama know that good men and women won’t vote for them. So why not populate cities with those who will help bring their “change”?
Another reason to destabilize a city is to use its debased condition as an excuse to take guns from law-abiding citizens – the main opposition to tyrants.
One of the “best” ways to destabilize a city is to place its police department under federal control. Enter Obama’s 21st Century Policing program, with its goal of body cameras on cops and civilian (i.e.: often troublemaker) review boards.
— Jesse Lee Peterson, Oct. 25 WND column
ALERT, America! Had this been an actual presidency, your beloved nation would not be in this cleverly and dastardly engineered suicidal downward spiral to hell. Had this been a real presidency, the words and policies emanating from your White House and from most of your elected employees would not sound like rejected nonsense from Alfred E. Neuman too loony to be found in the pages of Mad Magazine.
Had enough real Americans performed their basic “we the people” responsibilities to monitor, guide and prod our elected employees to strictly adhere to their oath to the U.S. Constitution, to remain in touch with common sense, logic and perform but a modicum of professional accountability, we would have never allowed the psychopathic liar in chief and his gang of commie goons to continually run amok with their America-hating “fundamental transformation” of what was at one time the greatest country ever found on earth.
— Ted Nugent, Nov. 4 WND column
Although average American news viewers remain blissfully ignorant of this, Europeans have been turning out by the thousands in protest of their governments’ intention to throw the doors open wide to innumerable Muslim refugees from regions in which Barack Hussein Obama’s mercenary army (otherwise known as ISIS or Islamic State) and other militant Islamists have made life as they know it untenable.
[…]Regular readers will take it as given that Barack Hussein Obama’s design of inundating America with Muslims is but one component in his grand plan of sabotage, and that he is also doing the bidding of malignant globalist interests that have long wished to see America brought low.
— Erik Rush, Nov. 11 WND column
Is it a foreign, Third-World dictator who is attacking America’s Christian heritage and the American Constitution?
Is it a foreign, Third-World dictator who is defending, supporting and promoting America’s sworn enemies?
Is it a foreign, Third-World dictator who is lying to the American people on a daily basis?
Is it a foreign, Third-World dictator who has transgressed the Constitution and behaved badly more than 1,063 times in the last six years?
Finally, is it the American people who have tolerated those who have committed the crimes of a foreign, Third-World dictator in their own country? Why, yes, it is!
“When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers. – John Calvin, Leviticus 26:14-46, Deuteronomy 28:14-68
— Bradlee Dean, Nov. 12 WND column
Now, in the last couple of weeks President Obama has sent 50 Special-ops troops into Syria! Why? This man should not be trusted with our military! His wrongful decisions on foreign policy has lead to millions being displaced in the Middle East, Christians being virtually wiped out by ISIS, and our soldiers and allies dying without a just cause.
President Obama hasn’t avoided war! He’s set the stage for World War III, and it’s time Americans knows it.
— Carl Jackson, Nov. 13 WND column