The idea that moderate Muslims never denounce terrorism has never been true, but WorldNetDaily loves to promote it anyway, especially after the Paris attacks.
For instance, David Limbaugh huffed in his Nov. 16 WND column:
Well, if 95 percent of Muslims are peaceful wouldn’t they join us in condemning these murders by Islamists? Do they think for a second that rational people aren’t associating global terrorism with their religion? Isn’t the burden on peaceful Muslims to demonstrate to us how much they abhor what is going on in the name of their religion?
Gina Loudon sneered in her Nov. 22 WorldNetDaily column:
We ask this question after every terror attack and one or two may appear on the scene, but is anyone else beginning to wonder if those moderates are really the ones who are wrong about Islam? Are the moderates the ones who are skewing the teachings of the Quran and ignoring the teachings of their imams, who call for the destruction of Western civilization?
And Ben Kinchlow really hammered on it in his Dec. 6 WND column:
Moderate Muslims have proclaimed with real, or feigned, anger that these extremists have hijacked the real Islam – the “religion of peace.” If the moderate Muslims – “the good people” – truly believe their “religion of peace” has been hijacked by extremist elements that do not represent the teachings of the prophet and of Islam, why don’t they step forward and speak up?
[…]Why don’t we hear impassioned speeches or see massive protests in the street by Muslims – who claim it is a “religion of peace” – speaking out against these acts of terrorism? Why don’t they call out terrorists as “terrorists”? Why don’t they?!
Ask yourself: When was the last time you saw a moderate Muslim nation, group or even an individual Muslim speak out vigorously and publicly to condemn these radical extremists’ terrorist activities?
If only 15-20 percent (or fewer) of Muslims are radical extremists, then why won’t the other 80-85 percent (or more) stand up and publicly condemn these rogue hijackers and the nations or individuals that sponsor or commit acts of terrorism? Why won’t they?
Hey, guys, guess what? Numerous Muslim groups around the world did, in fact, denounce the Paris attacks. And Muslim groups also condemned the San Bernardino attack.
Yet Loudon, Limbaugh and Kinchlow don’t want you to know that. Nor do we recall WND telling its readers this.
It suits their anti-Muslim agenda better if Muslims aren’t portrayed as less than human, as monolithic terrorists and terrorist sympathizers — never mind that it’s a lie.
But what else would you expect from the most dishonest news organization in America?