Bob Unruh breathlessly wrote in a Dec. 28 WorldNetDaily article:
Pundits might point to billionaire Donald Trump’s huge lead in the GOP presidential primary race as being the result of his generally anti-Washington, anti-government, anti-establishment, anti-politically correct attitude.
If so, it’s not just whites who are ticked at the bureaucracy, but minorities too.
Because a new poll, which still has Trump leading the race, shows 40 percent of blacks are lining up behind Trump, as are 45 percent of Hispanics, and even nearly 19 percent of Asians.
Blacks and Hispanics, in fact, even support Trump at a higher level than whites.
If that result is more than a bit surprising, consider the source: Clout Research. Yes, the outfit run by discredited pollster Fritz Wenzel, now under a new name.
And a not-so-deep dive into the numbers show just how terrible that poll is. As Colin Campbell noted, of the 447 poll respondents, only 10 were black, and four stated a preference for Trump. Hence the claim that “40 percent of blacks are lining up behind Trump” is based on some very severe undersampling.
Similarly, the poll included just 31 Hispanics, 14 of whom preferred Trump. So that “45 percent” is heavily at odds with reality. And there’s no evidence Wenzel reminded those Hispanic respondents about that time Trump called most Mexicans rapists and drug-runners (which is slightly more untrue than the results of Wenzel’s poll).
To demonstrate just how out-of-whack the entire poll is, it includes just 19 Democrats, compared with 365 Republicans and 61 self-proclaimed independents. That’s clearly not a representative sample of Americans.
The idea that this Wenzel’s poll is representative of anything is absurd. But absurd polling is how Wenzel and WND roll.
Needless to say, Trump loves it, which may have been the poll’s real intent all along.