WorldNetDaily’s Jerome Corsi gave Kathleen Willey’s latest rantings an uncritical platform in a Feb. 22 article that touts the unsubtly named “Rape PAC,” which has a goal of attacking Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Corsi adds: “Roger Stone, a confident of former presidents Nixon and Reagan, and author of the 2015 bestselling book ‘The Clintons’ War on Women,’ has been working with Willey to create the anti-Clinton Rape PAC.”
Rsther than explain on what planet Stone’s book is “bestselling” — Amazon ranks it at No. 5,359, hardly a bestseller — Corsi then quotes Stone whining about “the Clintons’ chronic abuse of women and how Hillary has destroyed any woman who has potentially gotten in the way of their lust for power and wealth.
Corsi failed to mention Roger Stone’s own abuse of women, which makes him a very ironic representative of Kathleen Willey. Just this week, Stone was banned from appearing on CNN for his vicious attacks on Republican strategist Ana Navarro, whom he has called a “Diva Bitch” and “Borderline retarded,” and insulting her looks by stating that “Black beans and rice didn’t miss her.”
Stone has also hurled sexist epithets at other women, including “muff-diver,” “elitist c*nt,” “professional Negro,” and “all around bitch.”
And we haven’t even gotten to his proud swinger lifestyle which includes possibly more sexual partners than Bill Clinton.
Or that the co-author of Stone’s book, Robert Morrow, has some bizarre and creepy sexual fantasies about Hillary. By associating herself with Stone, Willey is associated with this guy too.
How does Willey feel about teaming with a sleazy political operative who has waged his own war on women? Corsi doesn’t seem very interested in finding out the answer, and Willey — whose latest campaign to get Clinton-haters to buy her a house to make up for her apparently terrible financial management skills has stalled out at a paltry $6,795 of the $100,000-plus she wants — hasn’t publicly addressed the issue.