In a March 25 NewsBusters item, Media Research Center research director Rich Noyes complained: “Despite the complete lack of any evidence, and only unequivocal denials from women named in the story, a story based on what even the National Enquirer itself labeled only as ‘rumors’ against GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz found its way onto both the ABC and NBC evening newscasts on Friday.” Noyes followed up the next day with more complaints about coverage of the story, for which he again pointed out “there is still no on-the-record source or any other supporting evidence.”
That’s a big change from 2008, when the MRC demanded coverage of another tabloid story when it was similarly unsubstantiated.
As we noted at the time, the MRC’s Tim Graham huffed that the media was ignoring the story of John Edwards having an affair (at a time when only the Enquirer had advanced it, the current state of the Cruz story), complaining that the media more quickly jumped on the Larry Craig airport restroom toe-tapping scandal — which, unlike the Edwards story, involved an actual guilty plea in court to an actual criminal charge. Other NewsBusters bloggers complained that one news outlet banned its bloggers from repeating the story, and another whined about the “MSM wall of silence.”
And even when the Edwards story was proven to be true after all, MRC chief Brent Bozell still ranted that the story didn’t get the play of Republican scandals.
So this is the MRC’s chance to prove it doesn’t have a double standard: It should promote the Cruz affair story as much as it demanded the so-called MSM promote the John Edwards affair story. Alas, at this writing the story is nowhere to be found on the front page of MRC’s “news” outlet,
So, it appears the MRC is satisfied with hypocritical ranting instead of honesty.