The mere idea of transgenders, for some reason, is a berzerk button at the Media Research Center, particularly for MRC official Tim Graham. And Graham does his freakout thing once again in a March 25 NewsBustsers post:
The PBS NewsHour is nothing if not sensitive to the “LGBT community.” A Thursday night segment drew the online headline “How North Carolina signed a bill dubbed the most anti-LGBT law in the U.S.” Or, as the gay-left site Towleroad gushed over it, “PBS News Hour Takes Apart North Carolina’s Anti-LGBT Law: WATCH”.
The PBS anchor on this story was John Yang, an openly gay journalist who gave advice about being “Out on the Air” at last year’s convention of the activist National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association. The guests were Time Warner Cable reporter Loretta Boniti and Dominic Holden, “national LGBT reporter for BuzzFeed news.”
Those opposed to say, letting men who “identify” as female use the ladies restroom, were barely noticed.Notice how PBS uses all the usual leftist lingo. Their progressive groups are merely “legal rights groups” fighting for what Yang called an “anti-discrimination law” that “expanded protections for LGBTQ people, including letting transgender people choose which bathroom to use.”
[…]Yang kept the PC lingo going asking if this is the new frontier for “LGBTQ rights.” The PC crowd may faint: He left out “Intersex” and “Asexual”! Why can’t PBS go all the way to LGBTQIA?
Graham goes on to deny the discredited right-wing myth that sexual predators will exploit transgender non-discrimination laws to sneak into women’s restrooms … by citing alleged examples from an anti-abortion website and one he claims is “feminist-activist” but actually smears transgenders as “Transjacktivists.” And actually, the anti-abortion website’s example (involving a convicted sex offender who pretended to be transgender sexually assaulting women) is irrelevant to the issue at hand since it involved a homeless shelter, not a public restroom, and the incidents took place before a transgender accommodation law was passed. The anti-abortion website’s article is strategically vague about the timing of the incident vis-a-vis the accommodation law.
Presumably, the kind of person Graham would like to voice the right wing’s anti-transgender agenda on NPR and elsewhere is MRC intern Daniel Garza, who goes on the kind of anti-LGBT tirade that shows him to be prime MRC employment material in a March 28 post:
A time-tested, common-sense civic and cultural norm is currently under direct assault. Specifically, the inherent right to gender privacy, that fittingly separates men and women when it comes to access to public restrooms, has become the latest battlefield of the left.
Not surprisingly, Fusion, the hyper-left sister network of Univision, has gone off the deep end in support of this latest manifestation of the LGBTQRSTUVXYZ (so many letters it’s impossible to keep up so we might as well just list them all) agenda that it’s become a borderline obsession.
In recent days, Fusion has given favorable attention to subjects including but not limited to: a queer-friendly sex-ed guide, a celebration of a trans woman resisting police, San Francisco banning city employees from going to North Carolina and an article about a supermarket’s gender-neutral restrooms.
Most prominently though, has been Fusion’s constant push for acceptance of Trans people being able to decide what restroom they want to use.
Those who are trying to stand in the way of this latest offensive point out there is much at stake in the outcome of this battle. Not only is the right to privacy and decency for women and girls being threatened, but also a basic right to feel ostensibly safe in public areas, since the potential for more sexual assaults and sexual harassment would no doubt increase.Where is such madness taking us, and where do we draw the line? For even more convoluted complexity you only need to take a look at Genders there include “faegender”, which is “When an individual’s gender changes with the seasons, equinoxes, and moon phases.” As well as “kronosgender” described as “where you are a different gender at certain times of the day” and of course, “condigender”, where you basically only feel like a boy or girl under specific circumstances.
On second thought, maybe you better just hold it next time you need to use a public restroom.
In addition to Garza’s entire rant being hateful and silly — anyone who spouts “LGBTQRSTUVXYZ” as a way to mock those who do not conform to right-wing gender norms is simply not interested in having a serious conversation on the subject — Garza’s description of Fusion as “hyper-left” is just as meaningless; after all, the MRC thinks simply donating money to Democrats makes you “ultra-liberal,” so its ideological scale is highly defective.