True to form — and as we predicted — WorldNetDaily is not telling anyone who’s funding its anti-Hillary witch hunt. But WND editor Joseph Farah has an update on how exactly it’s witch-hunting:
Maybe conventional wisdom is right, for once.
Perhaps Hillary Clinton will get the Democratic presidential nomination.
It certainly appears Barack Obama’s Justice Department is not going to derail the Democratic presidential nominee with an indictment – no matter what the FBI turns over.
But will she be able to survive the storm brewing from a series of investigative articles, books, movies and surprise witnesses about to unload on her character, her past, her secrets and her blunders?
Yes, it’s all coming. Soon the world will know more about Hillary Clinton’s shocking foibles, failures and follies that Hillary has conveniently forgotten.
Much of what’s coming is a result of the work of the Hillary Clinton Investigative Justice Project, which is about to break a series of reports that may short-circuit her January 2017 plans to move back into the White House she looted 16 years ago.
But, as the center of gravity for the anti-Hillary effort, the project headed by Jerome Corsi and Joseph Farah says there’s plenty of head-turning potential ahead.
Nothing says bad reporting like the involvement of Corsi, a guy who pushed fake documents from Kenya and perpetuated the birther fraud in an attempt to falsely smear Obama.
WND is apparently also coordinating with the right-wing Judicial Watch for this hit job: “series of investigative reports to be published in WND coinciding with Judicial Watch’s upcoming questioning of Hillary Clinton and her top aides, including Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills. That’s right. It looks like there is no stopping Judicial Watch from deposing Clinton and her two top aides.”
And because this is WND, this would not be complete without Farah begging for money (not that he’ll tell you how he’s spending it, of course):
So, if you’re serious about stopping Hillary before she becomes the next president of the United States, there’s something you can do about it – no matter who you support to beat her.
Now’s the time to halt the Hillary Express dead in its tracks by making your best financial contribution to the Hillary Clinton Investigative Justice Project, which is doing its best to ensure she doesn’t have a second chance in the White House.
The root problem with all of this, of course, is that WND’s history of factually flawed anti-Democrat hit jobs demonstrate that it has no credibility, and even if there were some substance to its anti-Hillary hit job, WND’s past as a nakedly partisan smear artist virtually guarantees that it will never be taken seriously.