The Media Research Center has done a lot of whining over ESPN’s firing of Curt Schilling:
- Coward-hiding-behind-a-fake-name “Bruce Bookter” complained that Schilling was fired because he “posted a picture of a transgender person, and made a comment regarding the effort to let transgender men use women’s restrooms.”
- Matthew Balan wrote that Schilling was fired after “Tweeting out a controversial image” that another writer (who Balan makes sure to tell us “moonlights as a cross-dressing musician in a rock band”) said “many deemed transphobic.”
- “Bookter” wrote again that Schilling’s firing was what “so many members of the liberal sports media openly, and privately, rooted for” but mentioned the image only in quoting another article.
- Kyle Drennen asserted that Schilling was fired because he “objected on social media to liberal demands that transgender people be allowed to use whichever bathroom they choose.” He mentioned the image only in quoting others.
- Clay Waters declared that Schilling was fired “after sharing a post on his Facebook account against allowing transgenders to choose which bathroom they use, accompanied by a crude photo of a large man in unflattering drag.”
Yet for the centrality of the image in Schilling’s firing, none of these MRC writers reposted the offending image. Is that perhaps these writers know the image does not help Schilling’s — and right-wing anti-trans activists’ — cause?
For the record, here it is:

One derives from Schilling’s posting that he clearly thinks this image is an accurate depiction of transgenders, which makes us think that he also believes a pickaninny is an accurate depiction of black people.
The only place at the MRC the image appears is in an April 20 NewsBusters post by Dylan Gwinn, though he posts it only in block-quoting a USA Today post that was more offensive to him because it noted that transgenders have a higher suicide rate and Schilling’s offensive post probably isn’t helping things.
Gwinn ranted that it’s “not funny at all” that the writer implies a link “between Schilling’s conservative views and transgender suicide, and besides, “middle-aged white males –by far– the group most likely to commit suicide.” He then downplays the suicide risk:
Seriously, though, people commit suicide for all kinds of reasons. Like, depression, drug abuse, mental illness, poverty, dysfunctional upbringings. All things that apply to transgendered people. And all things that many of them suffered from way, way before they ever knew what a Curt Schilling or a conservative ever was.
Conservatism doesn’t kill. Being forced to watch I Am Cait every week kills. (Violently clears throat.)
Dylan, honey, nobody’s forcing you to hate-watch shows you don’t want to watch. You have — and have always had — the choice to walk away. Apparently, that MRC cash must be good for you to put yourself through such torture, eh?