We’ve noted how Ronald Kessler’s recent appearances on Newsmax TV omit the fact that Kessler was Newsmax’s chief Washington correspondent from 2006 to 2012. That streak is continuing.
In an April 15 Newsmax TV interview, in which Clinton-hater Kessler insists that Hillary Clinton will be indicted over her mail server, host Steve Malzberg does not mention that Kessler used to work at Newsmax. And the accompanying article describes Kessler as a “veteran journalist” and “a former Washington Post reporter and author of “The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents,” published by Crown Forum” — but not as a former Newsmax correspondent.
There’s also another level of nondisclosure going on here. Crown Forum, the imprint that published Kessler’s book, began life as Prima Forum, a joint venture with … Newsmax.