One key component of the Media Research Center’s “media research” is to insist that it’s “liberal bias” not to despise something the way it does, which manifests itself in whining that a historic event is described as “historic.”
The MRC’s Matthew Balan does the honors this time in a May 13 post, under the headline “NBC Hypes ‘Historic’ Obama Admin. Move on Transgender Students”:
The Big Three networks’ evening newscasts on Friday devoted full reports to the Obama administration’s controversial letter to every public school district in the nation directing them to allow transgender students to use bathroom and locker rooms according to their chosen sexual identity. However, NBC Nightly News’s segment on the issue touted the “Obama administration’s historic new directive to the nation’s public schools,” and revisited a Massachusetts girl who now lives as a boy. Kate Snow touted how the child’s mother says the federal government’s move is “protection for him at school — and validation that his rights matter.”
Substitute anchor Thomas Roberts (who has a record of acting as a left-wing LGBT activist) teased Snow’s report by hyping that “the Obama administration sends a sweeping message to schools across the country: let transgender kids use the bathroom of their choice, or else.” Just before using the “historic” term about the controversy, Roberts underlined that “pushback is coming fast and furious” against the policy move.
Yes, once again the MRC is mad that something historic was described as “historic.” “Media criticism,” folks!