David Kupelian is not the only WorldNetDaily writer to have filed for moral bankruptcy in order to follow Donald Trump.
In her May 29 WND column, Gina Loudon doesn’t even bother to defend Trump’s proposed policies or respond to concerns about his credentials and truthfulness; her idea of a logical argument is to scream “Hillary!”:
We hear lots of excuses like Trump is “a liberal,” or “he lies,” or he is “not a Christian,” or “he is a threat to conservatism.” Blah, blah, blah. They insist that not voting for Trump is equally not voting for Hillary. Right.
The only reason I can even imagine a conservative would prefer Hillary is if Trump were a megalomaniac. But in this case, Hillary is that megalomaniac, viciously attacking anyone in her way, never hesitating to use any government agency to do her bidding. People die as a result of her foreign policy inaction and action and even, dare I say, in her inner circle.
How can any Republican, any thinking American – considering the fullness of who Hillary is – possibly vote or “non-vote” to give the keys to power to someone like Hillary?Clinton’s track record of tyranny would make King George blush.
[…]“But wait, Dr. Gina. Trump used eminent domain. He clearly hates the Constitution.” Whatever.
As we commemorate this Memorial Day weekend and remember those who served, let’s consider the families of those Hillary left behind in Benghazi and elsewhere, the families of those soldiers dying because of mechanical failures resulting from the Obama-Clinton military budget cuts. How will their families be voting?
For you remaining #NeverTrumpers, consider the “dead list” of at least 40 people close to the Clintons, including many witnesses or potential witnesses in criminal investigations involving the Clintons. How would they vote? Considering the zeal for Democrats to actually vote dead people, they may be the only ones recounted here who will be joining you in supporting Hillary.
That’s right — the entirety of Loudon’s defense of Trump consists of “Blah, blah, blah” and “whatever,” and then ranting about the utterly discredited “Clinton body count.” How compelling.