Joseph Farah has never been terribly interested in reporting the truth, which is one reason why he had to beg for money to keep his website, WorldNetDaily, alive. Farah’s disdain for facts continues in his July 19 column explaining why blacks should vote Republican.
Lie No. 1:
You’ve heard of the Ku Klux Klan?
It was the military wing of the Democratic Party for 150 years.
The KKK was founded in 1866, meaning that Farah is claiming it’s the “military wing of the Democratic Party” right now.
Additionally, the KKK was not a creation of the Democratic Party. According to PolitiFact, “historians generally agree it was founded by a handful of Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tenn. as a social fraternity and it quickly changed into a violent group that terrorized newly empowered black and white Republicans in the South.”While many angry Southern whites during the 1860s and 1870s were Democrats and a smaller number of them joined the KKK, that doesn’t make the KKK a Democratic creation.
While Farah goes on to rant about the Democratic Party’s racist past, PolitiFact popints out that “It should also be noted that the anti-black Democratic Party of the 1860s and 1870s bears no similarity to the party of today.”
Lie No. 2:
The worldview of the Democratic Party is still responsible for victimizing blacks and systematically reducing the population of African-Americans in a number of ways – albeit more covertly.
First, the Democrats’ friends in Planned Parenthood target black and minority communities for abortions.
In fact, NPR points out that 60 percent of Planned Parenthood clinics are in majority-white neighborhoods, and that the percentage of Planned Parenthood patients who are black is roughly the same as the American population as a whole.
Lie No. 3:
In addition, who is it that promotes the doctrinaire teaching of Darwinism in American schools and universities? The Democrats, who insist evolution is not a theory, but a fact. What are the ramifications of that?
It was Darwinism in the 19th century that promoted the notion of superior and inferior races – and justified the genocide that led directly to the Holocaust. (See from “Darwin to Hitler,” “Darwin’s Racists: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow,” “The Darwin Effect” and “The Dark Side of Charles Darwin.”
Who’s defending Darwinism today? Only one political party – the Democrats.
As we’ve previously documented, what is now known as social Darwinism — which, taken to its extreme, became eugenics — is not Darwinism and actually preceded Darwin.
Farah’s wearing out our “liar” image. We may have to build a new one if he keep up his pattern of falsehoods.