On July 14, WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah wrote a column titled “Prediction: Trump will win — big.” He likened Trump’s campaign to Ronald Reagan’s 1980 campaign in which most pollsters had him running behind Jimmy Carter, writing: “I don’t expect the polls to shift in a dramatic way right up until Election Day. This is going to be a nail-biter right up until election night. Then everyone will be shocked – especially all of Trump’s Democratic, Republican and media critics. Remember where you read it first.”
But after a month of Trump shenanigans, gaffes and outrages, Farah would like to rethink things a bit.
In his Aug. 12 column, Farah began by writing, “As one of those who has suggested Donald Trump has the potential not only to win the 2016 presidential election, but to win in a landslide, it’s time for a note of clarification.” He didn’t link his earlier column as evidence of his “suggestion” — which, in fact, was a declared “prediction,” not a mere suggestion.
Farah complained that “Trump is out publicly day after day commenting on too much,” adding: “He needs to stop winging it in speeches. The comment about the Second Amendment folks was a gift to Hillary. He needs to stop giving his opponent gifts. It was sure to be magnified by his adversaries, both Democrat and Republican – and it was exploited indeed. Everyone knows Trump wasn’t suggesting assassination, for heaven’s sake, but why does Trump offer up such opportunities for his opponents to exploit?”
Actually, Trump suggesting assassination is a reasonable interpretation of his “Second Amendment folks” comment, so it’s ridiculous for Farah to claim what “everybody knows” Trump really meant. It’s certainly much more reasonable than clainming that, say, President Obama saying “We are here today because we know this work is not yet finished” during a speech at the Buchenwald concentration camp meant that he was in favor of exterminating Jews — which is exactly what Farah argued in a 2009 column.
Farah echoed his “stop winging it” advice to Trump later in the column:
He needs to stay on script. He needs to be calmer, cooler – to demonstrate that he is not controlled by emotions. Stop all the tweeting and the Facebooking. Act like someone who wants to be and is equipped to be the commander in chief. You don’t have to say whatever is on your mind at a given moment. Take a breath and think before you speak.
That’s richly ironic, given how much Farah and WND have mocked Obama over the years for using a Teleprompter (here and here, for instance).
Farah claims that if Trump followed his advice — which also includes talking only about Obama and Hillary — “he can still win this race and win it big. I’m sure of that. I’m just not sure he is disciplined to follow this advice.”
If Trump is too undisciplined to win an election, how can he possibly be a good president? Farah doesn’t answer that question.