The headline of Bob Unruh’s Aug. 29 WorldNetDaily article screams “10 PROMINENT DOCTORS QUESTION HILLARY’S HEALTH.” But do they really? And are there really 10 of them?
Unruh prefaced a bullet list by stating that “many physicians, based on publicly available information have raised concerns.” But that bullet list contains only six names that are rehashes of previous WND attacks on Hillary Clinton’s alleged health problems; as we’ve noted, three of them are affiliated with the far-right-fringe Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and a fourth is a urologist has nothing relevant to add regarding Hillary’s purported maladies. None of them have actually examined Clinton in a clinical setting, so all they have to offer is speculation.
That’s six. Where are the other four?
You have to go down to the 55th paragraph of Unruh’s article to find a bullet list of three other doctors that are taken from WND attacks earlier this year, when Jerome Corsi was portraying warfarin, a commonly used blood thinner, as rat poison. As with the previous six, these three also have never examined Clinton and are simply engaging in speculation.
That’s nine. We’re missing one.
The 10th doctor appears to be Ben Carson, who like the others has never examined Clinton. But Unruh never mentions his name or otherwise cites him anywhere in his article. Rather, a few paragraphs up from the bullet list at graf 55 is an inserted video of Carson saying that both Clinton and Donald Trump should release their health records. Not only does he make no specific claims about Clinton’s health, he actually debunks the other speculating doctors, saying that “physicians and scientists generally will not make a diagnosis based on something they see from a long distance. They want to have the facts.”
In short, Unruh has turned in a badly written article that’s mostly copy-and-paste. No wonder WND is in deep financial trouble.
Unruh goes on to complain that “Rather than address the concerns, many Clinton supporters have responded with torrents of abuse and ridicule.” But Unruh is not behaving in a manner that requires a serious response. He mentions how a Clinton campaign spokesman has pointed out that Trump “has put forward a laughable letter that omits basic health information including the date of his exam, past medications, family medical history, heart rate, respiratory rate, EKG, or cholesterol level, but he does nothing with that information; instead, he pivots to his regurgitated Clinton-bashing.
Think of this as a reminder that WND not only fails as real journalism, it fails at being a partisan mouthpiece. Again, no wonder WND’s in deep financial trouble.