In this alternative reality scenario, Hillary Clinton would be a completely different story. Objective reality would probably represent her appearance as an amorphous, grayish-green entity with only occasional glimpses of her leering face and trendy designer apparel peeking through the goo. Festering boils, sores and other lesions would populate a shifting, gelatinous corpulence. Groups of diseased genitalia and excretory organs might form in random areas on her glistening skin, migrating across its surface and occasionally engaging each other in horrid fashion. Even to the non-religious person, her appearance would be truly evocative of a creature from hell, a vision to make even the late H.R. Giger cringe.
Clinton’s campaign speech would be a disturbing cacophony of insane squeals, gibbering laughter and profanities punctuated with her trademark shrill yammering. Audibly bursting abscesses and purulent excretions emanating from her would give rise to a stench of sufficient putridity to induce immediate vomiting in most individuals, thus it’s unlikely that many would dash off to cast votes for the slithering obscenity.Unfortunately, the electorate doesn’t have the benefit of such insight, and the power of America’s incomprehensibly corrupt press cannot be underestimated. Ms. Clinton could be clinically dead for six weeks before the election, and the press might still manage to get her elected. For now, they focus on a mission similar to their mission in 2008: Nothing is going to prevent the election of Hillary Clinton, nor should anything prevent this momentous and historic event.
We are on the verge of electing our first woman president – it matters little that she is the most fundamentally evil individual ever to seek the office.
— Erik Rush, Aug. 24 WorldNetDaily column
“Lying Hillary Clinton” is the poster girl for the politically correct, post-Christian age in America. She is a perfect illustration of how morally empty and philosophically barren the PC landscape and the world of secular law have become. Joseph Farah sees her “as an existential threat to life and liberty” and “perhaps the most corrupt major American political figure in the last 50 years,” and Dr. Herbert London says she is “the embodiment of evil.” Dr. Ben Carson even links her with Lucifer himself by virtue of her connection with Saul Alinsky!
The moral bankruptcy of Hillary Clinton is a bottomless pit, but it graphically illustrates how secular legalism and post-Christian “morality” are the driving forces behind America’s regressive march back to the primitive, godless and pagan roots of humanity.
— Kent Bailey, Aug. 25 WND column
Hillary Clinton has neither disavowed the KKK leaders who were her friends nor has she disavowed members of the KKK who support her. One branch of the KKK says it has donated $20,000 to her campaign, and she has not returned that money.
Clinton praised former KKK Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd while she was secretary of state.
Hillary Clinton did the opposite of disavowing. She praised the former Klan leader while she was secretary of state, and she still refuses to disavow him.
We can only speculate as to why Hillary Clinton refuses to distance herself from the KKK. Could her party’s historical ties to the KKK be the reason?
— Gina Loudon, Aug. 28 WND column
Hillary Clinton cannot have it both ways and neither can her lapdog sycophants in the media. Clinton cannot claim to be fit to be president while at the same time claiming incompetence suffering from what she herself said was severe head trauma that causes her to forget.
Friday, Sept. 2, responding to Freedom of Information Act demands from Judicial Watch and others, the FBI released dozens of pages of documents from its interviews of Hillary Clinton. The documents, although many of the pages contained redactions including some pages that had been fully redacted, were a damning indictment of her that leaves only the questions of whether she is an abject liar, a pernicious liar, or a woman suffering from a debilitating mental illness. Regardless, the released documents clearly prove Clinton is someone who is too unfit physically and/or too unstable to occupy the White House.There are also the issues of Clinton’s health. It is a gross understatement to simply say Clinton is in poor, if not failing health. The Twittersphere exposed that some in the mainstream media have been using photos from as long as four years ago in a draconian attempt to conceal how sickly and horrid she looks.
— Mychal Massie, Sept. 5 WND column
And so here we are. Stuck between a witch and a clown.
A witch with a crumpled, tired face from years of deceit, lies and unbridled political corruption employed for the sake of personal profit.
— Andrew Thorp King, Sept. 5 WND column
Hillary Clinton’s broom as the Wicked Witch of the Left has flown off with her once again, this time not only with regard to her mission to obstruct justice, compromise national security and generally lie about her continuing private-server email scandal, but now also to ignite a race war. Continuing to woo black and black Muslim votes in her quest for the presidency, Hillary Clinton continues to stir up racial conflict between blacks and whites, furthering the racist agendas of the likes of Black Lives Matter, Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, Rev. Al Sharpton, the New Black Panthers and of course their evil benefactor George Soros, who is funding much of this hatred toward white and black police officers, Jews, Christians and anyone who believes in the vision of our Founding Fathers.
— Larry Klayman, Sept. 9 WND column
“Hillary, I’m your Conscience. You can’t lie to me. Why didn’t you designate Boko Haram as a terrorist group when you were secretary ofsState? Maybe those hundreds of girls in Nigeria wouldn’t have been kidnapped. Most still haven’t been located. Couldn’t the U.S. do more to find them?”
“I sent out tweets about the kidnapped girls, just like Michelle Obama! The Nigerian government could have done more. I said it was ‘abominable‘! And it’s John Kerry’s problem now.”
“Is this the whole story? One Nigerian bishop believes the U.S. won’t help them or other African countries unless they embrace homosexuality, population control and abortion.”Conscience paced. “Sorry to unload on you, Hillary. Well, actually, I’m not sorry. You and I don’t talk much. In fact, we haven’t really gotten to know each other at all over the years – although I keep trying.”
The coughing spasms finally ended. Hillary stormed out the door.
And Conscience stayed behind, as usual.
— Linda Harvey, Sept. 13 WND column