In a Sept. 10 NewsBusters post, Tom Blumer — he of the racism whitewashing — had a conniption when the Associated Press, writing about Hillary Clinton’s “basket of deplorables” remark, stated in a headline that she had put “many” of Donald Trump’s followers in that basket: “Mrs. Clinton was describing fully “half” of Trump’s supporters — or roughly 25 percent of all Americans, given that recent polling is virtually dead-even — and not just ‘many’ of them.”
Blumer’s fuss over descriptors is rather funny, given that four days later, his Media Research Center colleague Brad Wilmouth wrote a post with the headline “MSNBC’s Hayes Admits Many Clinton Voters Fit Liberal Definition of ‘Racist’.” Wilmouth also asserted that “according to a Reuters poll from earlier in the year, a large percentage of Clinton supporters also hold views on race that by his standards would be considered ‘racist.'”
What’s the number in question? A poll finding that 31 percent of Clinton supporters believed blacks are more violent than whites. That’s neither a “large” number, nor is it “many”– and, more importantly, it’s a much smaller number than that of Trump supporters who believe the same — 49 percent.
But since Wilmouth’s misuse of “many” advances the MRC’s agenda, we doubt that Blumer sent him a message schooling him on the finer points of grammar.