As part of its anti-Hillary jihad, WorldNetDaily will publish anything and everything that makes Hillary Clinton look bad, as long as it’s not explicitly libelous (and even then, WND will seriously consider running it anyway because that’s how much Joseph Farah and Co. hate Hillary).
Slinging every bit of anti-Hillary trash it can get its grubby little hands on would seem to be the explanation behind this post-debate article by Bob Unruh:
Images have emerged following Monday night’s 2016 presidential debate between Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton and GOP nominee Donald Trump that are fueling widespread speculation online that Clinton may have been wired for the event.
And some say she may have been wearing a battery pack, an earpiece, a microphone and a wire.
Charisma News cited a Reuters image that it said appeared to reveal a flesh-colored earpiece in her left ear.“What does she have in her ear? There are three possibilities: A hearing aid – loss of hearing or dulled hearing is not uncommon for people of Clinton’s age, particularly for those who have suffered a traumatic head injury, like a concussion. Many different companies market hearing aids that are meant to be concealed.”
The second possibility, some say, is an “inductive earpiece.”
“Stage actors often use these to help with cues and missed lines during performances. They are meant to be concealed, and with Bluetooth technology, those speaking to Clinton through it wouldn’t even have to be in the same city.”Charisma News also speculated that Clinton could have been wearing “an anti-seizure device.”
“Sound can trigger certain forms of seizures. A German-engineered device called the Epitect fits inside the ear and can detect and warn of an impending seizure, but more closely resembles a more traditional hearing aid with a component that hangs behind the ear.”
“None of these paint a particularly good picture for the Democratic presidential nominee,” the report said. “Either she has an as-yet undisclosed health condition, ranging from mild to severe, or she’s been cheating …”
The whole article is like this, with Unruh simply regurgitating speculative trash. No wonder WND is in severe financial trouble.