Bob Unruh breathlessly writes in an Oct. 11 WorldNetDaily article:
There long has been evidence of Hillary Clinton’s sense of entitlement – the stories of her ordering Secret Service officers to carry her bags, her unabashed demands for hundreds of thousands of dollars for speeches, her insistence on specific travel accommodations and much more.
Now there’s evidence of exactly what she thinks of the average American who works hard and pays taxes to support the Washington establishment.
Not much.
“I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans,” wrote her campaign manager, John Podesta, in an email.
Hillary for prosecution, not president! Join the sizzling campaign to put Mrs. Clinton where she really belongs
The email has surfaced in a WikiLeaks dump of Podesta’s emails. Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson noted the email, sent by Podesta on April 19, 2015, was a discussion about what “talking points Hillary should use in framing her candidacy for president in order to get a good head start.”
“I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I’m running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion,” he wrote. “I think if she doesn’t say it once, people will notice and say we false started in Iowa.”
Her director of communications, Jennifer Palmieri, responded, “Truth.”
“To emphasize,” Watson wrote, “John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign guru, is in black and white admitting that Hillary Clinton hates everyday Americans. This is huge.”
In fact, that’s not true at all. As Media Matters explains, there is context to that email that Infowars — the Alex Jones conspiracy website — and Unruh ignore. The reference was to the “everyday Americans” slogan that Clinton used when she first launched her presidential campaign; when Podesta says “I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans,” he’s saying she hates the phrase in relation to her campaign.
Watson’s original article has apparently been removed from the Infowars website and sister site Prison Planet, presumably because it’s utterly false. As of this writing, Unruh’s article is still live.
Unruh and WND are getting what they deserve for considering Infowars to be a credible source of information.
We know WND will publish any anti-Hillary claim it thinks it can get away with, regardless of its factual accuracy. It’s already had to remove at least one false article from its website — never apologizing for publishing that false information — and it has published lies about Hillary it won’t retract.
With this abysmal record, no wonder nobody believes WND.