The Media Research Center has long railed against Anita Hill for making sexual harassment allegations against conservative Clarence Thomas. The MRC’s Tim Graham has long insinuated that she’s a money-grubbing liar motivated to cash in on Thomas and advance her career as a law professor.
Hill plays an MRC pinata again in an Oct. 12 post by Nicholas Fondacaro attacking CBS for interviewing Hill in the wake of Donald Trump’s vile misogyny (which the MRC is trying to bury). Fondacaro huffs that the CBS reporter “spoke as if it was a known fact that Thomas had somehow weaseled his way out of a deserved punishment. The CBS report failed mention Hill’s evolving story, or the testimony of other women which contradicted Hill’s accusations.”
A few hours earlier, as it so happens, Graham was complaining that Washington Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan was responding to Trump’s collaboration with Breitbart News to bring out various Clinton accusers by calling it part of the “truth-averse” nature of Trump’s campaign. Graham huffed:
This is how liberals dismiss these accusers. “Someone granted you an interview on TV, the rest of us ignored it or called you trailer trash, and now you’re yesterday’s news.” That’s called “settled, in one way or another,” in the kangaroo court of the liberal media. The media don’t believe in justice or dignity when the accused is Bill Clinton. It’s “hate theater” to even make us think about what they’ve suffered.
Yet that’s the exact same way Graham treats Hill. Apparently, it’s OK to denigrate a victim if the person being accused of being the victimizer is conservative.
Furthering the double standard, Graham says nothing about the, ahem, evolving stories the alleged Clinton victims have told. Juanita Broaddrick, if you’ll recall, testified in a sworn affidavit that Clinton did not assault her — completely opposite to what she’s claiming now.
And Kathy Shelton — who was allegedly sexually assaulted by a man Hillary Clinton represented as a defense lawyer but who got off with a light sentence after irregularities in the case surfaced — is claiming Clinton forced her to undergo a psychiatric examination the court record shows never took place.
Funny how only Anita Hill’s story gets challenged by the MRC. But then, her story doesn’t advance the MRC’s agenda.