Horribly misguided NewsBusters blogger Tom Blumer is at it again in an Oct. 31 post:
When the outrageous remarks about women Donald Trump made in 2005 became known just before the second presidential debate, the press compiled exhaustive lists of Republicans far and wide who would no longer support the Republican presidential nominee.
Will the press compile similar lists of those who won’t support Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in light of new developments during the past several days relating to her use of a private server and private email accounts for government business? Will they even ask anyone the question? It can now be reported that the won’t-vote-for-Hillary list — and it certainly has more than one person, even if not yet admitted — has a member whose relationship with the Clintons goes back over two decades: Democrat pollster Doug Schoen.
In the Political Insiders segment of Harris Faulkner’s Fox Report Weekend Show on Fox News, Schoen announced that “as of today, I am not a supporter of the Secretary of State for the nation’s highest office”:Now we have the beginnings of a list of Democrats who did support Hillary Clinton who can no longer do so. What’s more, he’s a well-connected longtime friend of the Clintons. Will the press ask other key Democrats, especially those in tight House and Senate races, if they still endorse Mrs. Clinton? If not, why not? Are New Media outlets going to have to do the dirty work and compile a list on their own?
There will be no list because Schoen is so far the only self-proclaimed Democrat of prominence to withdraw support of Clinton, even after a few days of fallout from the remarks.
Additionally, Schoen is not a terribly loyal Democrat, and his tepid support will barely be missed. He’s what’s called a Fox News Democrat — professing to be a Democrat but appearing on conservative outlets (heck, he’s a Fox News employee) to bash Democrats and espouse conservative positions. He and fellow Fox News Democrat Pat Caddell were scheduled speakers at right-winger David Horowitz’s Restoration Weekend.
By contrast, the list of Republicans who withdrew their support after Trump’s vile misogyny became public contains numerous sitting governors and members of Congress, with nary a has-been, disloyal strategist among them.
The meaninglessness of Schoen’s abandonment of Hillary didn’t keep WorldNetDaily from also pretending it meant something. An anonymously written Oct. 30 article stated that “Schoen’s announcement is a stunning about-face from remarks he made to Sean Hannity during a TV appearance on Fox News just 48 hours earlier,” when he predicted a Clinton victory.
Like Blumer, WND ignores the fact that Schoen is on Fox News’ payroll because he gives them cover for being “fair and balanced,” even though he sounds no different than a conservative Fox News commentator.