In his Nov. 15 column, WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian does a lot of ranting about things being rigged. Like the media:
Thanks to WikiLeaks, the media collusion became so overt as to be darkly comical – with, for example, Donna Brazile (the new and improved DNC chair who replaced the disgraced Wasserman Schultz) being revealed to have acted as a Clinton mole while working at CNN, passing Sanders intel on to Hillary’s campaign and tipping off Clinton about multiple town hall questions ahead of time.
Sort of like quiz-show honchos fixing the contest by secretly “coaching” their chosen winner before show time.
Since most of what the public sees and hears about the presidential candidates comes to them through the totally pro-Clinton filter of the major media, the “rigged” label seemed fair enough.
Ironically, journalism is the one profession explicitly protected by the Constitution in the First Amendment. Why? So it could not be crushed, interfered with, intimidated or otherwise rigged by a power-mad government. Unfortunately, no law, not even the Constitution of the United States, can stop people – including journalists – from being dishonest, deluded or just stupid.
Kupelian is exhibiting an almost comical level of deliberate lack of self-awareness here. His WND is nothing if not dishonest — witness the utter lack of credibility it has — and it played a bit part in the rigging process as the preferred media outlet for the Clinton smears of the sleazy Trump confidante Roger Stone, who conveniently had the willing ear of WND hack Jerome Corsi.
So, no, Kupelian has no room whatsoever to complain about how the media “rigged” the election unless and until he confesses WND’s rigging. And Kupelian has a lot to answer for, what with the selling out of his moral principles to back Trump and his hatred for the Clintons that’s so obsessive that his final pre-election argument was to maliciously attack Hillary as more evil than you can possibly know.
He repeats some of that hate here, calling the election results “what many consider to be nothing less than a divine reprieve from having to endure the reign of a screeching, lying, ever-deceiving Hillary Clinton.”
Kupelian does his usual, increasingly cartoonish liberal-bashing, which basically comes down to insisting that anyone who doesn’t hold the same right-wing Christian beliefs he does is harming the country.
Kupelian concludes by writing, “Can we simply stop being seduced and believing pleasant lies, and instead stand up and calmly but firmly speak the truth, in love?” A guy who tries to seduce us with his lies wants to “speak the truth, in love”? And he also wants us to “stop hating and blaming”? How ironic.
You first, dude. Start by un-rigging WND.