As Donald Trump took the office of president, the Trump fluffery was in full swing at WorldNetDaily. Here’s a sampling of WND headlines on inauguration day:
- Trump earns praise on social, political, financial fronts
- Trump gets hero’s welcome on eve of inauguration
- President Trump: ‘This moment is your moment’ (in which Bob Unruh touted how the inauguration included “a series of prayers that were name in the name of Jesus, and before a benediction by Franklin Graham that recognized that name as the one by which people must be saved”)
Those were the “news” articles. Then we have opinion pieces so ridiculously pro-Trump they verged on the orgasmic.
Bill Cloud’s column carries the unironic headline “With President Trump, has America been saved?” Cloud calls former President Obama an “oppressive and ungodly spirit” and added that “thankfully, Hillary Clinton was defeated.” He actually backed off the premise of his headline, admitting that Trump has work to do and that he must “humble himself before God and seek heaven’s guidance as he is faced with the crucial decisions that will determine America’s future.” Of course, if Cloud had been paying attention at all during the past year and a half, he would know that humility is not in Trump’s DNA.
Jesse Lee Peterson declared that “President Donald J. Trump is a living example of God’s love for our country and proof He’s giving the people yet one more chance.” Like Cloud, Peterson has also not been paying attention, or else he would not have written this: “Because Donald has no anger, he holds no resentment, fear or doubt in a fight, so he freely says what he needs to say.” And like Cloud he takes a gratuitously nasty shot at Obama, calling him “evil” and claiming “It was eight long years of darkness under former President Barack Obama.”
Mychal Massie waxed rhapsodic, asserting that “We the People had hoisted a blue-collar billionaire upon our shoulders and carried him to victory, refusing to be sidetracked or swayed by the political illuminati and Erebusic progressives posing as objective media,” adding that “President Trump’s inauguration speech was a breath of air so fresh and so pure that it asphyxiated the politicians and progressive mainstream media.”
WND editor Joseph Farah, meanwhile, exclaimed “Hallelujah!” about Trump’s inauguration speech: “Sitting with my wife in the first row of public seating, I had goose bumps. This guy really means what he says. We need to pray daily that he stays the course he has set.” Farah then got misty: “I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. I had awakened early to see this with my own eyes and hear it with my own ears. It was stirring. I don’t care what my critics will say: I had tears in my eyes.” He added: “Every word is meaningful. And every word was spoken with total conviction. … How anyone can hear those words, read those words, listen to those words and not be profoundly affected is a bit mystifying. They are inspirational. They are uniting. They are powerful.”
The winner for fawning pro-Trump prose, however, has to be WND reporter Garth Kant, who pronounced the Trump White House a new Camelot and Ivanka Trump and Melania Trump the new combined Jackie Kennedy:
Ivanka Trump’s image suddenly flashed on the big screen and the crowd went wild.
Elegant hardly begins to describe her appearance in a simple but smart white double-breasted jacket and white trousers, with her golden blond hair let down.
She was stately, regal and the camera loved her. The first daughter was walking through the Capitol side-by-side with her three adult siblings, but the camera could not help but zoom in on her magnetic smile.
Ivanka looked like a princess descending down the steps.
Then the camera did something funny.
It jumped to an extreme close-up of a sour-faced Hillary Clinton.
And then the crowd did something revealing. They didn’t boo. Or jeer. No, they delivered the unkindest cut of all.
They laughed.
And the camera quickly beat a hasty retreat back to Ivanka.
Just as suddenly, the big picture zoomed into extreme focus.
Hillary is the past.
Ivanka is the future.
Hillary is, arguably, a tired, worn-out, wobbly, spent, political animal and a two-time loser in the presidential sweepstakes. Just winding up her career.
Ivanka is the successful working mom of the future who has it all, spunky, sharp, bright, fresh, happy, optimistic, excited, poised and regal. Just beginning her career.
The contrast between the two, both symbolically and in reality, couldn’t be greater, could it?
Oh, yes it could. Because … wait, there’s more. We hadn’t seen nothin’ yet.
The princess was smashing.
But then the queen arrived.
The crowd actually gasped at first sight of her.
Melania Trump was a show stopper.
Her appearance on the big screen was larger than life, in every way.
Everyone expected something tasteful and elegant. This was something else.
As the initial gasp subsided, the crowd whooped, then hollered and applauded.
Then it began murmuring like a hummingbird on crack. She had electrified the audience and they were absolutely abuzz.
It wasn’t just her supermodel beauty. And it wasn’t just her top notch fashion sense.
The papers would later say she channeled Jacqueline Kennedy’s fashion sense. And their evocations of a new Camelot were all about style rather than substance.This was grace personified.
A stately, poised, and stunning elegance were certainly part of it. But there was more. It wasn’t just what she was wearing. It was her bearing. Her perfectly poised demeanor.
And the crowd could clearly sense it, even if they could no more articulate it than to say “wow” over and over, which was what so many were doing.
She was a regal presence.
There was nobility.
Not because of her new station in life, but because of her carriage. The way she carried herself. Full of poise and grace.
Noble in the sense of model character, not fashion queen. It was clear this was a woman of substance by the way she comported herself, not by what she was wearing.
Almost like American royalty.
Americans, of course, don’t have royalty like other nations – but first families are as close as we get. And Melania, born and raised in Slovenia, is perfectly at home on her adopted nation’s greatest stage, and under the glare of the biggest media spotlight in the world.America was their candidate. Trump was the vessel.
Almost as though America had become the new JFK in the new Camelot.
And, in his speech, Trump amplified the theme, again and again, that the real winner in November was, indeed, America.
This appears to be the tone of WND coverage for the next four years: drooling sycophancy for Trump, unbridled hate for anyone who dares criticize him.