WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah has an odd habit of making grandiose claims about his supposed left-wing past — marking with Martin Luther King and following the orders of Bill Ayers and Jane Fonda, for example.
He’s at it again. In the Jan. 24 column in which he sneered that the participants in the Women’s march were “hags,” Farah said this about himself:
I was once on the other side – a participant in many leftist, anti-American, pro-communist demonstrations. I remember what they were like. I didn’t care back then. I had a completely different worldview. But I still remember how contemptuously we left behind the garbage. It was deliberate. We had no thought for the people who had to clean it up. We had no thought for the people who lived there. We smashed plate glass windows, turned over the cars of innocent victims and spit on those with whom we disagreed – figuratively and literally.
Farah took this further in in a Jan. 28 WND article promoting his new book “The Restitution of All Things”: “I was an unregenerate, crazy young person. … My background is with the far, far left, even in high school, arrested in all sorts of demonstrations. I used to help start riots and building takeovers at Colombia [sic] University as a teenager.”
That’s odd, since Farah apparently graduated from William Paterson University in New Jersey, not Columbia in New York City. And the biggest and most notorious protests at Columbia were in 1968, when Farah would have been just 13 — around the same age he was when he claimed to have marched with Martin Luther King.
As with his purported MLK marches, we highly doubt that Farah was sufficiently politically aware at age 13 to be skipping junior high and schlepping from his New Jersey home into Manhattan for the sole purpose of protesting and rioting and taking over college buildings with college students several years his senior. (The fact that he misspelled “Columbia” adds even more doubt.) And Farah’s lengthy record of lying proves that we cannot take his words at face value.
So we’re adding the increasingly omnipresent “liar” graphic to this post. As he has always been, Farah is free to provide us with proof of his violent left-wing activism, we will freely apologize and remove the graphic.