When President Trump made a false, nonsensical comment in a speech about “what’s happening last night in Sweden,” WorldNetDaily went into overdrive to try and make Trump’s fantasy into reality.
In a Feb. 20 article, Cheryl Chumley complained that Trump even had to clarify his remarks and blamed it all on the media for accurately quoting what he said:
President Donald Trump, responding to an outraged mainstream media system that constantly seeks to undercut his White House, clarified that his comments about the refugee crisis in Sweden came in response to a Fox News report on that country’s surge in violent crime – and were not, as the press seemed to suggest, off-base, discriminatory or flights and fabrications of fancy.
First, Trump’s comments, made during a Saturday rally in Florida: “You look at what’s happening in Germany. You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers. They’re having problems like they never thought possible.”
Now, the clarification – necessary, because the left honed in on the “last night” portion of Trump’s remarks to shrug shoulders and act puzzled, and pretend the president was speaking foolishly.
“My statement as to what’s happening in Sweden,” Trump tweeted, “was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants and Sweden.”
Chumley went on to note that “The story on Fox came by way of an interview on Tucker Carlson’s show with documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz, whose latest work chronicles surging crime rates in Sweden,” which he blames on Muslim migrants. She didn’t mention that Horowitz’s claims are specious; Politico pointed out that there is no crime surge in Sweden.
Chumley also failed to note that the Swedish police officers Horowitz claims to have quoted says their answers were taken out of context, and one of them calls Horowitz a “madman.”
The same day — and just a few days before Trump himself attacked the media for its use of anonymous sources — WND’s Paul Bremmer conveniently comes up with an anonymous Swedish resident — described as “an American contractor who has been a lawful permanent resident of Sweden for almost a decade” — to “affirm[] President Trump’s assertion that a wave of Muslim migrants is devastating the Scandinavian country.” Bremmer claims the person “asked to remain anonymous because of concern of government retaliation and the nation’s criminalization of speech.”
Bremmer provides no evidence he fact-checked any of his anonymous source’s claims, nor does he provide any reason why his source’s claims should be taken at face value.
It wouldn’t be a story about Muslim migrants at WND without Muslim-hater Leo Hohmann to engage in some grade-A fearmongering, and he contributes in a Feb. 21 article that begins with the question “Is America in danger of becoming the next Sweden after eight years of Barack Obama’s open-borders policies?”
Hohmann then writes that “reached out to several experts on Islam and terrorism” — read: Muslim-haters like himself, such as Pamela Geller, Clare Lopez and Robert Spencer — “with one question: Is Sweden a harbinger of future America if it continues with the multicultural globalist vision advocated by former President Barack Obama?”
As is Hohmann’s biased style, he can’t bothered to talk to anyone who contradicts his Muslim-hating agenda — or would school him on the facts.