In his March 6 WorldNetDaily column, Scott Lively — whose expertise runs more toward hating gays than international espionage — asserts that Jeff Sessions’ recusal from any investigation of links between Russia and the Trump campaign was caused by “a bogus intelligence report invented by Obama for the purpose of discrediting the Trump administration.” He doesn’t explain exactly what was “bogus” about it.
Lively then launches into a full-throated defense of Russia and its leader Vladimir Putin, with an added dose of Obama derangement:
Next, let’s debunk the false premise behind Obama’s strategy and propaganda: that outrageous lie that the Russian government is an evil America-hating regime that seeks to weaken or control the United States through James Bondesqe subversion and spycraft. Back in the 1960s and ’70, when the liberals were politically aligned with the Russians, the Russian-based Soviet Communist bloc WAS in fact an evil empire, and DID work to subvert America. Indeed, the Cultural Marxism dominant in our university system and mainstream media attest to their success. Today, however, the Russian Federation is socially and fiscally conservative and strongly anti-Marxist.
Obama’s strategy and tactics depend on Americans’ general ignorance of the dramatic reversal of Russian culture since Ronald Reagan facilitated a Christian revival in what is now the Russian Federation and various independent nations in Eastern Europe. When the Berlin Wall came down, the churches torn down by the Obama-style Soviet Communists were rebuilt, and, after a couple of decades of gangsterism due to social disorder, today’s primary cultural influence is not Marxism (as it is in the Democratic Party USA) but Orthodox Christianity.
I am speaking from firsthand observation. I’ve been to Russia three times over the past dozen years, including a 10-day mission trip to the Russian far east in 2006, a 50-city speaking tour in 2007 through Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia (from Siberia all the way to St. Petersburg), and I was in Moscow in 2013 where I was interviewed on Russian national television by the Orthodox patriarch’s right-hand man for family issues. In 2011 I took a mission trip to Moldova and helped the 95 percent pro-family population stop their U.S.-influenced government from sneaking through a major pro-homosexuality law whose passage was timed to match the arrival of Joe Biden. Since 2013 I have visited Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Kyrgyzstan, helping the latter protect marriage in its national constitution in 2016.
I know from whereof I speak: Ideologically and culturally, the Russian people are the closest match to American conservatives and populists in the entire world, and it is only the constant Obama/McCain/Soros/MSM/Deep State anti-Russian propaganda that keeps the Americans from seeing it. Yet, I fault the conservatives and populists themselves in this, since the very people they’re trusting for news on such matters as Syria, Ukraine, the U.S. election and Russia itself are the one’s they know for a fact always lie about cultural and spiritual issues here at home.
I can’t speak to Putin’s character pro or con, but I know he’s a more faithful representative of the will of the Russian people than any of our U.S. presidents from Bush 41 through Obama, and I certainly don’t trust the people who are poisoning Western minds against Putin. If anything, their hostility toward him should enhance his credibility among conservatives.
One: Funny how Lively is now describing his anti-gay activism in other countries as “mission trips.”
Two: The “pro-homosexuality law” Lively claims he helped stop in Moldova in 2011 was actually a law that would have prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation. He doesn’t explain why stopping discrimination against gays makes the law “pro-homosexuality.”
Three: Also funny how Lively claims ignorance on “Putin’s character pro or con” yet can proclaim him a good man and his critics evil people who are “poisoning Western minds” against him.
Four: Lively’s love for Putin and Russia is in league with that of other right-wing, white nationalist and alt-right leaders in the U.S. — and, as Right Wing Watch details, it ignores the fact that Putin has cracked down against Protestant proselytizing in an attempt to protect the Russian Orthodox Church, something you’d think an evangelical Protestant like Lively would otherwise find concerning.
Further, Putin’s crackdown on political opposition and a free press are things Lively would be opposing if they were happening in the U.S. but is apparently perfectly fine with Putin perpetrating.
The type of blinders-on fealty right-wingers like Lively show that he’s he’s willing to dismantle a free society just to pursue his hatred of gays.