For a website founded in no small part to attack the Clinton administration, it’s no surprise to see that Clinton derangement is strong at WorldNetDaily. And it has continued well after Hillary Clinton lost the presidential race.
Just check out this snotty March 8 WND article by Chelsea Schilling:
Can Chelsea Clinton do anything right?
The former first daughter’s new book, “Governing Global Health,” is such a flop, Chelsea won’t even discuss it. Upon reading it, one reviewer remarked, “Holy hell, that was horrible.”
Despite her eye-popping $600,000 salary from NBC, her short journalism career was such a disaster, the Washington Post dubbed her “one of the most boring people of her era.”
And now Chelsea is apparently trying her hand at liquefied spinach pancakes – and her new “Soylent Green”-style food experiment has Twitter followers ready to lose their collective lunches.
On March 7, also known as National Pancake Day, Chelsea tweeted a photo of her pea-green spinach pancakes with the message: “Spinach pancakes for #NationalPancakeDay (we won’t eat them all tonight although Charlotte would if we let her)!”
Schilling devotes most of the rest of her article to reprinting insults of how those pancakes looked.
That’s right — WND thought Chelsea Clinton making pancakes that weren’t aesthetically pleasing was worth devoting an article to.
But that’s not all. An anonymously written WND article the same day starts off with similarly snide shots at Chelsea’s mother:
This latest poll isn’t good news for Hillary Clinton.
Not on the day she scheduled her reemergence on the public stage with a speech at the Kennedy Center in Washington … not on the feminist-sponsored National Day Without Women … not on the day ADP, a global human-resources and payroll firm, reported U.S. companies adding 298,000 new jobs in President Trump’s first full month in office – 100,000 more than economists expected … not on the day Ivanka Trump’s clothing line is reporting record sales despite calls for boycotts by Trump critics … and certainly not the day following another poll showing a majority of likely New York voters not wanting Clinton to run for mayor.
The new poll by Suffolk University shows just 35 percent of registered voters continue to have a favorable view of Clinton, with 55 percent having an unfavorable opinion.
The article went on to claim that “In a gender-swapping experiment conducted in January by two self-identified ‘liberal’ professors at New York University, where actors of the opposite sex played the roles of the two candidates citing lines and copying body language and intonation, the professors and their primarily liberal audience were shocked with how hard the male version of Clinton was to admire while the female Trump ‘shined’ in moments they recalled as the real Trump ‘flailing or lashing out.'”