The Media Research Center’s Aly Nielsen complains in a March 1 post:
The liberal media love to report on climate change so long as the story affirms an alarmist, man-caused climate change narrative. When scientists question that, the media fall silent.
More than 300 scientists, engineers and meteorologists, led by MIT Meteorology professor Dr. Richard Lindzen, signed a petition asking President Trump to “withdraw from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)” on Feb. 23, 2017. But ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening news shows never once mentioned the letter between Feb. 23 and March 1.
Nielsen glosses over the fact that it seems a small minority of those 300-plus signatories to the petition have any expertise in climatology — hence her adding “scientists” and “engineers” to the list — which would seem to show that the list is made up of activists who put politics ahead of science.
Indeed, the very first signature on the petition is Habibullo Abdussamatov, whose climate-denier work has been discredited. Also on the list for some reason is Ted Baehr, who’s much better known as a professional prude for the film-review site Movieguide and who apparently hasn’t done any environmental research work in decades.
Another signatory is denier and birther dead-ender Christopher Monckton.
The premise behind this petition is the same as one circulated for years by climate denier, questionable homeschool curriculum creator and friend of WorldNetDaily Art Robinson. It’s been pointed out that well over 10 million college graduates with science degrees have been churned out by universities in the past 40 or so years. Add engineering graduates to that, as Nielsen wants to do, and there are millions more.
Putting the petition’s 300 signatories in that perspective exposes what a fringe effort this is. That, and not the old “liberal bias” boogeyman, is why the media isn’t covering the petition.
Nielsen also goes on to note the outlets that gave the petition favorable — “The Washington Times, The Hill, Climate Depot, Fox Nation, The Free Beacon, and climate blog Watts Up With That” — but she failed to identify them as conservative or denier. By contrast, the sole outlet she cited as critical of the petition, DeSmogBlog, she makes sure to label as “liberal.”
DeSmogBlog, by the way, also helps makes our point about the lack of relevant expertise among the petition’s signatories: “There are medical doctors, mystery men, coal executives, petroleum engineers, economists, and think tank members. Only a small handful could be considered even remotely ‘qualified’ or ’eminent’ — but not in the field of climate science.”