The WorldNetDaily-generated chorus claiming that Donald Trump’s election was divine intervention keeps growing (at WND).
In a March 7 article, WND’s Bob Unruh cites religious-right fave James Dobson has weigh in in the affirmative:
Now Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, Family Talk radio and an adviser to presidents, says he believes Trump is a “reprieve” for America.
Find out the ultimate “Restitution of All Things” in Joseph Farah’s exploration of the coming Kingdom of God on Earth.
In an interview with Todd Starnes at the National Religious Broadcasters Association convention in Orlando, Florida, Dobson said: “I’m convinced Donald Trump is God’s man for this hour. He is not a perfect man. He’s what I would call a flawed vessel. But so am I, and so are you, and so are all of us.”
He cautioned that President Trump “very well may disappoint us.”
“He may not live up to the standards we expect. But I believe he’s there on purpose.”
The 2016 presidential election, in which Barack Obama’s progressive, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, anti-American agenda, embodied in candidate Hillary Clinton, was soundly rejected by voters, had America on the edge of a cliff, he said.
“I don’t think we would have ever recovered from it, and I thank the Lord for giving us a reprieve,” he said.
Actually, Clinton defeated Trump by nearly 3 million votes, so that’s a funny definition of Clinton being “soundly rejected.”
WND editor cited Dobson, as well as his earlier interactions with Obama-hating rabbi and WND cash machine Jonathan Cahn, in his March 12 column, declaring that “I now believe with all my heart” that Cahn’s book “The Harbinger” and the movie Farah and WND made from that book “turned the hearts of Christians in America to humility, prayer, to seeking God’s face and repentance, just as II Chronicles 7:14 commands in times of national backsliding.” (How convenient that a WND-made product and Farah’s close friend caused this to happen.)
Farah continued:
If I am right and we are experiencing a partial “restoration” in 2017, what better time to explore with me what the full, complete, seldom explored, prophetic story of the ultimate restoration will look like?
Peter said it is what all the prophets from Creation onward were talking about and pointing toward with the greatest of hope.
Don’t get me wrong. We live in a time of conflict, turbulence, maybe even a little chaos. But, don’t you feel a little more hope today than you did last year at this time? Don’t you think we might be getting just a glimpse of the possibility of a national “reprieve” in which God smiles upon His people?
I’m convinced.
It’s why there’s a little strut in my step. It’s why despite a lot of bad news, I feel like I can see a glimmer of hope. It’s why I am so sure things are getting better, rather than worse.
But it’s time to recognize what’s happening and why. It’s not time to cease the humbling of ourselves and the fervent, heart-felt prayers, the seeking of His face and the turning away from sin. It’s time to recognize that it really does work – and pour it on!
Are you with me? Let me know.
We’ve never seen any evidence that Farah has ever humbled himself before the Lord or anyone else, as his column’s plugging of not only Cahn’s work (on sale at WND) but his own new book (WND-published, natch) in which he claims to examine “the ultimate restoration of all things that comes with the return of Jesus the Messiah to rule and reign over the whole earth from His throne in Jerusalem.” Farah never publicly repented for running a dishonest website and pursuing an agenda of personal destruction against Barack Obama, and there’s no reason to think he’ll make an about-face and humble himself anytime soon.
There’s also no evidence that Farah has considered the possibility that Obama was actually the blessing from God and that Trump is the curse. He’s too blinded by his right-wing ideology to ever consider that.