In ranting against the repeal of North Carolina’s anti-gay HB2 “bathroom bill,” in his April 2 WorldNetDaily column, Jesse Lee Peterson is all about the insults and name-calling. He declares the repeal to be “an evil perpetrated against normal people, innocent children and misguided ‘transgender’ people” and asserted that supporters of the repeal “love money over people.”
Peterson then expanded his name-calling to all liberals, while also defending discrimination against people he doesn’t agree with (while also dutifully plugging his WND-published book in the process):
I must say that Bruce Springsteen is not a real man, nor is any liberal male. Liberals think themselves defenders of “victims,” but they condemn good and promote evil. When you don’t think clearly and logically (like a man), you create emotion-fueled garbage. The lack of love of fathers opened the door for this mess. Weak men allow it.
[…]Discrimination against people in their wrong is good – a wakeup call reminding them that they’re wrong. But companies mired in liberalism discriminate against people who are right – to protect those in the wrong! In 2015, a Planet Fitness in Midland, Michigan, suspended the membership of a woman who warned other women about a “huge” man wearing a wig and “a little bit of blush” in the women’s locker room.
Pretending wrong is right traumatizes and brainwashes children. Jesus warned that anyone who causes children to stumble would have been better off with a millstone tied around his neck and thrown into the sea.
The way to end this madness not merely battling the symptoms (bad laws and insane people ruling over the sane). To combat the root issue, as I wrote in “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood,” we must return the people back to their fathers (and, therefore, back to their Father in heaven), so that they may think and see clearly again. Then men can lead by example, as a fearless, anger-free force for good.
Peterson even baselessly attacked North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper, claiming his 2016 election was marred by “suspicions of voter fraud – aided by liberal judges who think voter ID laws are ‘racist’.” In fact, the “voter fraud” allegation was a desperate smear by the losing candidate, incumbent Gov. and HB2 promoter Pat McCrory, despite a lack of evidence to support the claim.
It also turns out that North Carolina’s voter ID law did, in fact, have racist intent behind it and was deliberately designed to discourage black turnout.
So Peterson thinks men who oppose discrimination aren’t “real men.” How about a man who lies and deceives for political and personal gain?