Lead WorldNetDaily Muslim-hater Leo Hohmann has been obsessing over one of his favorite obsessions, the case in Idaho in which “three refugee boys” assaulted a 5-year-old girl in an Idaho town.
In an April 5 article, Hohmann huffs that “In the same week that three refugee boys pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 5-year-old girl in Twin Falls, Idaho, the mayor and council floated the idea of passing a resolution declaring Twin Falls a “welcoming city” for illegals and refugees.
The subhead for Hohmann’s article states, “WND, Breitbart vindicated in case that brought accusations of fake news.” In fact, as we pointed out, Hohmann and WND did publish fake news about the case when it first broke. Apparently, the fact that the boys pleaded guilty to charges in the case equals “vindication” for Hohmann’s Muslim-bashing.
In a further attempt to exploit the case, Hohmann includes the name and picture of the 5-year-old victim. How cynical and irresponsible.
On April 11, Hohmann was ready to milk the case again, complaining:
One week after three refugee boys from Sudan and Iraq pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 5-year-old girl in Twin Falls, Idaho, the city council has voted unanimously to lay out the welcome mat for more refugees.
The council voted 7-0 to direct the city staff to draft a resolution declaring Twin Falls a “welcoming city” after hearing a pitch from local Boy Scout Troop 4, which is sponsored by the Mormon Church.
Hohmann also accused one supporter of refugees, Mark Crandall, as having “provided the council with false statistics in his letter about the number of refugees being sent to the U.S. in fiscal 2017,” but he only one he cited was that “the Trump administration recently announced it will allow 62,500 refugees entry into the U.S. this year, not 50,000 as Crandall stated.” Not exactly a smoking gun there. Hohmann also uncritically quoted one anti-refugee activist viciously smearing refugee supporters, who are linked with the local Mormon church: “Isn’t that what communists do, use the children? The propaganda machines work best if you start with children.”
Hohmann got the story back to his pet issue eventually: “WND previously reported that the girl’s family has endured nearly 10 months of public shaming and downplaying of the crime by powerful elites who support continued refugee resettlement in Idaho and nationwide.”
Isn’t that about the same amount of time Hohmann has been spending trying to desperately smear all Muslim refugees — and, really, all Muslims, period — as sexual predators just like the youths were arrested in this case, as well as downplaying the inaccurate reporting he and his employer produced about this case?
Hohmann once again includes a picture of the victim but curious omits her name despite having revealed it the week before. Both articles include pleas to “Donate to the family’s GoFundMe account to help with mounting medical and legal expenses,” which is simply more evidence Hohmann has no interest in reporting in a fair and balanced manner.