We’ve repeatedly highlighted CNSNews.com reporter Susan Jones’ eagerness to serve as a stenographer for the Trump campaign and, later, his administration. Here’s another number to back that up.
One of the laziest things a reporter can do is write a single-source story that simply repeats what someone said. If all you’re doing is writing down what one person said and making that the entirety of your story, it’s stenography, not reporting.
ConWebWatch examined all 281 articles Jones wrote during the first three months of Trump’s presidency, from Jan. 20 through April 20. We counted the number of her articles that quoted only President Trump, a member of his administration or the military, versus the number of articles that quoted only a Democratic member of Congress.
By our count, Jones wrote a whopping 64 articles in which Trump or a member of the administration was the sole source, versus just 20 in which a Democratic member of Congress was the sole source (since Democrats do not control the executive branch or the military).
Further, while Jones focused her Trump articles on a wide variety of figures, a majority of the Democratic articles quoted just two people, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. That appears to be because Pelosi and Schumer are CNS’ designated Democratic punching bags; for example, one of these articles serves as a way to mock Pelosi for tripping Jones’ obsession with people who want Trump to release his tax returns like every other modern-era presidential candidate.
Jones has long been a biased reporter, but putting a number to it demonstrates the extent of her bias. It also demonstrates that CNS cannot be taken seriously as a news outlet.
Methodology: Count included articles based on interviews that paraphrased statements from the questioner or quoted the questioner without naming him or her, but excluded articles that quote the questioner by name.