The Media Research Center’s Sarah Stites devotes an April 19 post to complaining that the National Geographic channel is producing a documentary about birth control.Despite the program still being in production — meaning she can’t possibly have seen it yet — Stites was quick to assert that “a biased perspective is likely” from the documentary.
One of the people to be featured, Stites writes, is “Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, a noted advocate of eugenics.”
Huh? Is Stites suggesting that birth control is a form of eugenics? She provides no other reason from mentioning that otherwise-irrelevant claim. While the MRC loves to lie about Sanger, she was an advocate of eugenics, though Stites conveniently omits the fact that it was a popular view in America during her early lifetime.
To equate birth contol with eugenics, as Stites is apparently doing, is malicious and counterhistorical since nobody is forcing women to take it. Is that the standard at the MRC these days?