The facts never mattered to WorldNetDaily. Its increasingly delusional promotion of discredited Seth Rich conspiracy theories is just more proof of that.
Let’s look at WND’s latest delusions, shall we?
— Jack Cashill — who never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like — gloms onto Seth Rich in his May 24 column. And, of course, he references his previous conspiratorial obsessions: “There are precedents for this curious media indifference. The death of White House counsel Vince Foster in 1993 comes quickly to mind. So, too, does the death of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown during the presidential campaign of 1996.”
— Pizzagate promoter Liz Crokin gets the call from WND one more time for an article on how a self-proclaimed “investigator” is spreading his conspiracy theories about Rich. In fact, the “investigator” is Jack Burkman, who Crokin later admits is a “Republican lobbyist” (also, a bit of a homophobe) who has falsely passed himself off to Infowars as the Rich family’s attorney. Crokin curiously didn’t bother to ask Burkman who was paying him to pursue his investigation.
— Alison Powe complained that a Republican congressman who tried to bring up the conspiracy theories on CNN was shut down by the other guests. Powe mentioned one “private investigator” who made claims about the case, she didn’t identify him by name — perhaps because that was Rod Wheeler, who has retracted all the headline-generating claims he made about Rich’s death.
— Joseph Farah’s May 25 column pretends no claim it has reported about Rich’s death has ever been retracted; instead, he’s desperate to keep the conspiracy alive. He huffs that “the DNC seems to be attempting to guide the police investigation from even considering the possibility that Rich’s murder could have anything to do with his work. That’s a huge red flag and borders on obstruction of justice considering the total political control Democrats wields over the city.” He continues:
Is it possible Seth Rich could have been involved in leaking DNC emails to WikiLeaks, as even Julian Assange has broadly hinted? Could it be that Rich, and possibly others at the DNC, risked their lives as whistleblowers to reveal scandal within the DNC – only to see their heroic work attributed to Russia for political reasons?
I’m not certain. But I am curious. And I can’t understand why others would attempt to thwart an open and honest murder investigation by narrowing the parameters of the probe. What would be their motivation?
Does that make sense?
That’s my case for a truly independent counsel investigation. This shouldn’t take a year to conduct. After all, it’s a murder case. The focus should be on who was responsible – like any other murder case. Who had the motive, means and opportunity? And all the evidence should be examined without regard to where the investigation leads.
Reminder: Farah doesn’t understand why Trump’s apparent collusion with Russia during the election is a big deal, so his news judgment is not exactly what one would consider, um, functional.