WorldNetDaily is still trying to distract from Russia’s meddling in the U.S. presidential election. The latest example is a rather lame attempt to discredit former CIA director John Brennan, whose testimony about Trump and Russia has Bob Unruh so upset that, as is clear from his May 23 article, he would rather talk about anything else:
Former CIA Director John Brennan told a U.S. House committee Tuesday that Russia was “brazen” in its attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election in the United States, and while he was unable to determine whether there was “collusion” between the Russians and members of the Trump presidential campaign, he was “aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign.”
He was convinced, he explained to members of Congress, those indicators were “worthy” of a formal investigation.
However, neither Brennan nor the House Intelligence committee discussed accusations that he, himself, had colluded with Russia on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
Nor was his admission to having voted for a Communist Party candidate in the 1976 election ever mentioned.
Nor was his refusal to use a Bible, as tradition prescribes, when he was sworn into office.
Nor was his graduate thesis in which he denied the existence of “absolute human rights” and said government censorship of speech was an appropriate management tool.
Nor was his insistence that people not use the word “jihadist” to describe terrorists.
Nor was his lying to Congress.
Unruh doesn’t seem to understand that those things were not discussed becasuse they had nothing whatsoever to do with Trump and Russia.
Indeed, the rest of the article is dedicated to attacking Brennan for all of these purported offenses and completely ignores the actual news of Trump and Russia.
At the same time, WND is twisting the Brennan testimony that Unruh couldn’t be bothered to report on to claim there’s no evidence of “collusion” between Trump and Russia — which is apparently where the right-wing media have moved the goalposts to.
In a May 24 article, WND’s Garth Kant ranted about “Democrats pushing the bizarre notion there was a cover-up, even if there was no crime,” citing as evidence how Brennan “testified before the House Intelligence Committee Tuesday that he did not know of any evidence of collusion, coordination or conspiracy between Trump and the Russian government.”
Kant conveniently ignores the fact that Brennan stepped down as CIA director in January and, presumably, is not privy to anything that has happened with any CIA investigation since his departure.
Unruh manages to combine both contradictory memes — Brennan’s an untrustworthy liar, but he also said there’s no evidence of collusion so we’ll take him at his word — in a May 31 article:
Did the Democrats’ orchestrated attempt to catch the Trump administration in a major scandal with Russia just blow up?
The Washington Times reported it was President Obama’s CIA director, John Brennan, who prompted the investigation into claims the Trump campaign had inappropriate contacts with the Russian government.
But that’s the same John Brennan who, like other top Democrats, has stated he has seen no evidence of collusion with the Russians, and the same John Brennan who, among the other indiscretions, was caught lying to Congress.
But if Brennan is the irredeemable liar Unruh says he is, why should we trust his statement that he saw no collusion (even though, again, he probably doesn’t know what has happened in the investigation since he left the CIA)?
Unruh never explains; instead, he just copies-and-pastes his previous attacks on Brennan. Lame!