editor Terry Jeffrey wasn’t done having a freakout about the documentary about a transgender teen, “Real Boy,” which recently aired on PBS.
Jeffrey’s June 14 column cites the mere existence of “Real Boy” as a reason to cut off federal funding for public broadcasting. Why? He doesn’t really say, beyond making the unsupported assertion that the show is something Americans “do not want.”
Meanwhile, irrational anti-LGBT hatred for “Real Boy” appears to be an agenda item across the entire Media Research Center. A June 20 post by Callista Ring complained about the documentary appearing on “liberal taxpayer-funded PBS.” Ring showed particular hostility for the transgender teen, sneering that he can now take “a college class on toxic masculinity” and huffing at the teen’s assertion about needing to take time to heal from the pain he’s gone through: “Because having the support of a famous musician, PBS, and millions of viewers like you apparently wasn’t enough.”
And the original transgender freakout king himself, Tim Graham, weighed in along with MRC chief Brent Bozell in their June 23 column whining about the film’s “gushy music” and that the film purportedly censors anyone with a “binary” view of gender.
Of course, to Graham and Bozell, any film that doesn’t tell transgenders they are dishonoring God and going to hell merely for existing is “propaganda”:
Shaleece Haas, the maker of “Real Boy,” is upset that there aren’t a glut of pro-transgender propaganda films, and claims the media part of the cultural revolution isn’t sufficient. “It does not solve the problem of homophobia and transphobia, of all the various forms of hatred…. alongside storytelling, we really need to be working to create safe, inclusive spaces, in our schools, communities, in our institutions.”
The cultural revolution will be televised … and then it will be imposed. Dissenters will pay for the privilege of being denounced. Then the Left complains that the conservatives hate democracy.
Well, Graham and Bozell have certainly demonstrated that they hate anyone who doesn’t look or think like them.